Life is fleeting

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Every day the same,
A repetitive, numbing experience,
Just going through the motions,
Just existing as a being in this world, this reality.

But then there are those few rare moments,
Moments that remind you how _alive_ you are,
Not just existing but truly living,
Living as a sweating, breathing, heart-beating human being,
Working and existing as a group of people, as a community,
Flowing as one.

In those fleeting moments your eyes seemingly open wider,
Your lungs expand further,
Blood pumps harder and thicker,
Everything brought into colour.

Then as quickly as it appeared it disappears,
It's all gone again,
You're back to only seeing the day to day shadow of your existence.

The excitement and joy fades,
And the world returns to black and white,
The monotony returns again,
Days blur back together and it was as though nothing had happened at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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