Ch 8: Mermaids

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Moka Akashiya x Female Reader

^Your Outfit^


     School clubs...I despise them. Having to hang out in a group of teenagers and do projects. I was way too lazy for that shit. I sighed and Moka gently took my hand. "Hm? What's wrong?" I questioned.

     "I missed breakfast again..." I sighed. This was becoming a regularity with her but honestly...I don't mind at this point. I smiled and nodded. "Go ahead Moka." Her eyes sparkled. "Really!?" I nodded again and she bit me.

     I started to enjoy these little bites from felt nice. Nicer than the first time that's for sure and I've started to notice something. Every time she's around me my heart speeds up and my face feels warm. 

     Every time she's away from me the day goes so slow that it's unbearable. Something about her just makes me smile and She pulled back and grinned. "It's was as great as ever Y/n~!" 

     I shrugged. "Your welcome, now lets get to class cutie-" I paused my face growing a bright red. Did I just slipped. She blushed and giggled dragging me off to class but then we were thrown out to join a club.

     It was clubs can't be normal. We walked around but as I expected they were...strange. Moka wanted us to join the same club but honestly none of these clubs were normal and freaked me out. 

     That's when I noticed the swim club. It was the only normal club and I really wanted to be in that one. "Moka, lets do the swim club." I said pulling her to the sign up sheets. She seemed nervous but joined.

     As I was swimming Moka stayed on land curled up in a ball. I knew something was wrong so I went to leave but this blue haired chick grabbed my hand. "Where are you going Y/n?" I pulled away.

     "To talk with Moka...I need a break..." She cupped my face and leaned in. "Is that really important~?" I tensed feeling really uncomfortable yet really flustered. Moka suddenly stood and yelled at me.

     "You only joined this club so you could meet girls didn't you!?" I used this chance to turn and talk with her. "Moka, no that isn't it-" "Oh no! I'm taking this crap!" She turned and began running off.

     I swam up to her. "Moka wait please!" Why was my heart hurting so bad? She only ran I felt like shit. I needed to go after her! I went to leave but Kurumu and Yukari distracted me. 

     I was worried about Moka...but I got distracted. I shouldn't have! I should have stayed focused but I didn't. I swam to the ledge and sat on it, leaving my feet in it. I stared numbly into the water feeling horrible.

     Moka...I'm so so sorry. I couldn't bring myself to swim or smile. Some girls suggested to join in the games but I didn't have the heart to. "You seem upset, is it because of that girl?" I looked over to the blue haired girl. 

     "I hurt my only friend. I need to apologize to her." I stood but she pulled me in. "Oh honey we don't plan on letting you leave." My eyes widened. "What!? Let me go bitch!" I felt something drip down my face.

     She smirked. "Your eyes are red and bleeding~ you should learn how to control your anger." That's when I noticed she had a tail. I looked around and saw mermaids draining the men dry. "We are mermaids after all~." 

     "I'm not a male so you can't drain me! Let go!" "Oh that's where you are wrong~. Ya see, your energy is one of a male. Very common for demons." I tensed. I should have expected this, of course there'd be mermaids in a monster school!

     Kurumu and Yukari tried to help me but the women only went to drain me. "Y/n don't worry I'm coming to save you!" I saw Moka, my eyes widened. She...She came back? "What!? Do you have a death wish!?" Kurumu yelled.

     What was she talking about? "Water is a major weakness to vampires!" As Moka fell in the pool filled with shocks. Moka looked to be in so much pain...I caused this! "MOKA!" Suddenly I was free and Moka was sinking.

     Everyone looked at me in shock except for Kurumu and Yukari. I flew up and dived into the water. I needed to save her! Please Moka be alright....I can't lose you...I love you. I reached out but only grabbed her rosario which came off.

     A flash of light and the real Moka was here. She stood and I could see the anger in her eyes despite the pain she was feeling. I surfaced panting and stared at her. I felt only pure heartache...why didn't I ask her?

     If I had known about the vampires weakness I would have never joined this club. The mermaids all started splashing the water onto Moka. I could tell she was in a lot of pain...even if she hid it.

     I growled and flew in the air before flying down into a group of mermaids. "Fuck off!" The blue mermaid got mad and started to attack her but Moka outsmarted her. Once the battle was won I flew in front of Moka. 

     I held out her rosario as she fell to her knees. Even this Moka seemed to make me feel love. I knelt to her level. "Moka I'm so sorry-" My eyes widened as she slapped me. "You selfish bitch. You don't know anything about her!"

     She was right...why was I even trying? "Take her feelings into consideration," She snatched the rosario and walked off. "She was crying her eyes out..." My heart shattered. I stood and just left the pool. 

     The others called out to me but I ignored them. I went to my dorm and didn't leave. I felt awful and didn't have the heart to face her. That is until I met her at the pool the next day. "Moka I'm sorry..."

     She looked at me in confusion. "Why are you wearing sunglasses Y/n?" I tensed as she took them off and gasped. "Y/n your eyes are all swollen..." I looked down. "I couldn't stop crying...I was insensitive and rude..."

     She hugged me. "Oh Y/n it's alright...I know you didn't mean any harm." I hugged her back taking in her sent. "I'm so so sorry Moka..." She pulled back and smiled. "It's alright. I promise!" I don't know what came over me but....

     I kissed her. I kissed Moka Akashiya...

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