Chapter 2 -Family discussions

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Chapter 2—Family discussions

The royal imperial family sat in the dining hall, they have excused all maids and guards to wait outside whilst they talk. It was pin-drop silent, the palace that was usually filled with the laughter and giggles of the three young princes, replaced with an uneasy silence.

Prince Wilbur was sending a murderous gaze to his father whilst Technoblade looked at their father and mother, trying to figure out what their intentions were when his father crowned Theseus. Emperor Philza broke the silence, "look I know you three have a lot of questions, some I can answer but some I will not, Wilbur you can go first". Prince Wilbur finally let his internal anger he has had to bottle up out, "why him father? I'm a better heir. I mean no offence to my darling little brother. But he can be, how do I word this, he can be a little hot-headed".

Wilbur spoke, whilst giving a challenging glare to his youngest brother.

"Prince Wilbur me and your mother have watched you sneaking off after hours and going to the shore, how can the future king be out after hours without the company of a guard." Wilbur's eyes widen, "how do father and mother know I've been sneaking out shit," Wilbur thought.

 "Oh, and Wilbur," his mother said, " I know you want to be king, but you know the rules the crowned prince must marry into royalty so if your father made you crowned prince you would have had to get start meeting princesses from other kingdoms, and you wouldn't be able to marry sally".His mother said as she stood up from her chair and walked over to Wilbur and patted him on the head.

Sally was the only daughter of the emperor's best friend and when Wilbur was around the age of 5 and Sally was the age of 3 their fathers had promised that Prince Wilbur would marry Sally as her father was a very high ranking official it wasn't seen as an issue, however, the crown prince must marry into royalty, so Wilbur was not allowed to take the throne.

As his father continued" and I've seen you sneaking out myself so don't even think about lying and technoblade my eldest son I know how much you hate politics and talking to rulers approaching lords and barons I can sense that you would much prefer being the general of the guard rather than being king and then that finally leaves my youngest Tommy my beautiful blue-eyed son I couldn't make just anyone my heir so that left you I understand you're very young, but I assure you that you will be taught how to be the ruler" empress Kristen who had been silently patting Wilbur head slowly walked over to Theseus and knelt to match his level, so she could talk to him eye to eye. "Theseus my darling you don't have to be perfect, and I'm sorry for me and your father putting all this on your little head" Philza then stood up and asked "well that's the main question I'm sure everyone had in their mind is there any other questions or are we done here"  technoblade who had been silent between this entire ordeal finally decided to speak up.

"Well father I have a question if you don't mind answering it"

Phil replied  "of course what is your question son"

"Why would you-..." technoblade didn't have time to finish his questions as empress Kristen suddenly began coughing violently. Philza immediately ran to her side trying to help her, but it was too late she had already passed out. Philza then screamed at the maids to bring the royal physician as Wilbur covered Theseus's eyes and technoblade knelt at the mother's side trying to get her to wake up.

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