Chapter 14

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Drista was making her way to the night market she could see it, and it looked beautiful. Drista made sure that her mask was on before she entered the busy market. Despite it being 2 am the market was still full of people.

Tubbo POV

Tubbo had just arrived at the Antarctic empire. He arrived at 2 am at the market he told the palace he would arrive at noon he arrived 10 hours early. Tubbo decided it would be nice to look around the market.

Theseus POV

Prince Theseus was looking at the impressive stalls they all were full of colour and were very aesthetically pleasing. He was looking at all the stalls, but something caught his eye at one of the stalls. It was a lovely ring he was holding the ring and was about to ask the stall owner how much it would cost. However, a girl who looked around the same age as himself. Had bumped into him, when she bumped into him, she had knocked the ring out of his hand  ."WHAT THE HELL" Theseus yelled as the girl started speaking "NO NEED TO YELL OLD MAN" she said as she balanced herself. 

The two started arguing in the middle of the market. Then a boy who had brown hair was pushed into the blond-haired boy, and then he pushed the brown-haired boy towards the girl, and they continued to push the boy whilst arguing. The brunette boy yelled "OI STOP PUSHING ME" suddenly the two blond-haired people looked at the brown-haired boy. "Oh my I apologise . I did not realise that during our quarrel we were pushing you around". The girl said quickly Theseus adds to her apology "I also apologise for pushing you". "It's fine but if I may why were you two fighting in the first place". Theseus and the girl look at each other "um I don't remember" "me neither" Theseus adds. "Uhh what's your name," the blond-haired girl asks "my name is Tommy," Theseus said "my name is tubbo," the brown-haired boy said, "cool my name is um well my name is dream, but everyone calls me drista". Tubbo looked at her suspiciously. "Isn't dream the name of the crown prince of the greater dream SMP" "and isn't drista the name of his younger sister?" Theseus adds. "Yeah uh, that's where my mum got my name from". "Anyway," tubbo says "it's my first time at this market have you guys got any ideas on where is a good place to go" "it's my first time here too," Tommy says "wait It's also my first-time" drista adds. "Well, shall we all explore together," Tommy says as he grabs Drista and Tubbo's hands? 

The three spend 3 hours walking around the night market. Drista had bought a ring that she said was for her friend. "I am so tired"  "yeah let's find a place where we can sit down for a bit" they all agreed and started looking for a bench or a place where they could all rest. It took a good 10 minutes but tubbo yelled"GUYS I FOUND THE PERFECT SPOT". Tubbo led the other two to a small stream of water with really large rocks around it." Wow, this place looks amazing" Tommy said "yeah" drista said. She sat on one of the rocks and Tommy and tubbo followed him and sat on the rocks with her. Tommy had a question he wanted to ask, so he said  "hey drista" "yeah what's up" "why do you wear a mask?" "Well I can take it off since it's just us three here" "ohh can you take it off" tubbo said. Drista pushed her mask to the side of her face and she put her hair in a high ponytail. "wow you look cool" "thanks tubbo". "Anyway I'm going to have a nap," she said as she laid down on the rocks. Tubbo and Tommy also laid down, but they could fall asleep Tommy tot his cloak out of his backpack and folded it up and slipped it under drista head "night drista" Tommy said. "Night guys," drista said as she fell asleep. While she slept Tommy and tubbo were up chatting, but soon they also fell asleep.

Theseus woke up first he did not know what the time was, but he could tell it was already morning due to the sun. Theseus started shaking everyone awake "Drista Tubbo wake up," he said as he was shaking them "oh my where am I," drista said "morning drista help me wake up tubbo" drista hummed in reason. "TUBBO" she screamed tubbo jolted up and screamed "WHAT" in response. "Good morning sleeping beauty," she said as she smirked "hey has anyone got a watch" "oh I do tubbo said as he got a watch out of his bag "it's 9:30" .drista eyes went wide"SHIT I HAVE GOT TO RUN,". Drista said as she started getting up "WAIT" Tommy yelled, "Yeah" "let's meet up again this rock maybe next week at midnight" "yeah sure " tubbo said. "Alright but have to run bye tubbo bye, Tommy," drista said as she was about to run off "wait what direction are you heading in" ." uh that way," drista says as she points to the forest. "I am heading that way as well I will walk with you" . Drista then spoke "if you're coming my way we are not walking we are running" ." Fine with me" Theseus said as he got up "see ya later tubs" "see you next week" tubbo waved as the two blonds ran off into the forest. Tubbo sighed and got up and thought how am I going to kill 4 hours I think I will just head to the palace a bit earlier. It's better to be early rather than be late tubbo thought as he slowly started making his way to the palace. Tubbo thought he should go the long way through the market.

With Drista And Theseus

the two of them were running through the forest then Tommy tugged drista to stop ." what Tommy". "I'm heading that way" "so I guess this is where we part" "indeed it is". Drista smiled and said "see you next week Tommy" "see you later princess," Tommy said. Drista stopped smiling and stood completely still "what did you say" "see you later princess drista" "how did you—As she was speaking she was cut off by Tommy putting his hand on her shoulder. "See ya at the palace later," he said as he ran in the opposite direction.

Drista stood shocked for a moment then she remembered she still had to run back to where her carriage was. She ran off to her carriage and stepped in and quickly got changed into a puffy green dress. Then as she finished changing she saw sapnap talking to her brother, so she walked over."hey dream and sapnap". " Oh, hello princess" sapnap said "hello drista how did you sleep" "I slept nicely, but I cannot wait to stop sleeping in the carriage" "don't worry drista we will be arriving at the palace today." "Cool I'm going to check something .sapnap stay herewith the princess " alright dreamy poo" "shut up pandas," dream said as he walked off.  Drista and sapnap laughed "so what did you get me from the night market" "oh yeah I got you this," she says while she pulls out a ring from her pocket. "Woah it looks so cool.". "Just don't tell dream where I went otherwise he would send me back to the kingdom " "you got it, princess".

Meanwhile with Theseus

Theseus had arrived back at the wall he put his backpack on as he climbed the tree and was able to jump the wall. He was now on palace grounds. He cursed at himself when he realised he did not pack any royal clothing which made sneaking into his room 10 x harder. He climbed into one of the guest chambers on the bottom floor. He then made his way through the corridors and was able to sneak off to the corridor. But then Prince Wilbur was about to turn down the corridor Theseus ran to his door .when Wilbur rounded the corner all he saw was Theseus' door close. Theseus entered his room and quickly got changed into a very formal blue military uniform and his crown. He was getting ready to attend a meeting with some officials then he was due to welcome the royal family of the Dream SMP soon. 

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