Chapter 10

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It had been three days since lady beau's departure.

Prince Wilbur was walking down the corridor he decided today was the day he would meet Fundy and talk to him. He had been preparing himself for this he wanted to see Fundy  .but Wilbur suddenly stopped to think "where was Fundy's room?" he looked around, and surely he would find it right?


Wilbur spent an hour searching for Fundy's room he almost gave up until he saw a little 1-year-old boy toddling along the corridor and a governess behind him. Wilbur's heart warmed up a little he saw his son .he walked over to Fundy and knelt to see him. "Hello there buddy," Wilbur said with a genuine smile plastered across his face "Dada" Fundy said as started laughing and hugged his dad Wilbur got up but didn't let go of Fundy he was carrying his little boy. Wilbur looked at the governess behind Fundy and said "you can trail behind us miss" the woman bowed and said, "of course you're highness". Whilst Wilbur was holding Fundy a part of him started screaming silently to look away and drop the boy in his arms. And run away.

But Wilbur focused so hard to ignore those awful thoughts as he started walking to the royal gardens he decided to play with Fundy there as that's what his mother used to do with Theseus when he was little. Wilbur opened the door to the enormous gardens, and it surprised  Fundy how big the gardens were. Wilbur let the boy down, and he started crawling towards a buttercup. Fundy's governess stood next to the guards and watched over the two. Wilbur slowly walked over to Fundy and sat criss-crossed next to him and the buttercup. Wilbur carefully picked up and started telling Fundy all about flowers.

Fundy had no idea as to what Wilbur was saying as well Fundy was 1 he could walk but preferred to crawl, and he could only say one word "Dada".  Fundy loved spending time with his dad he rarely does the last time he even saw they moved to the Palace.

Wilbur was sitting there explaining to his son different flower types, but suddenly Fundy got up out of his father's lap and started toddling along to another plant a bluebell that had a butterfly on it. Fundy went to touch the butterfly, but it fluttered its wings which made Fundy fall backwards. Wilbur got up and walked over to Fundy Wilbur grabbed Fundy's hand carefully and held it towards the bluebell and then the butterfly had landed on Fundy's little hand. Fundy's face lit up with joy the sight of this was too cute it had made Wilbur's heart warm up. Then immediately after Wilbur's mind started going insane telling him to murder Fundy. Wilbur then quickly left, but before he left he walked over to Fundy's governess "I have an important matter to attend to please take care of my son". The governess quickly nodded as she made her way to Fundy. Wilbur had quickly walked off to his chamber. 

When Wilbur had entered his chamber voices in his mind started yelling at him to kill Wilbur tried to calm himself down until he looked and saw he was directly in front of a mirror. He saw his reflection he took a paperweight that was on his vanity table, and he threw it into the mirror shattering it. He then spent three hours in his room trying to calm his mind he finally composed himself and thought to apologise to Fundy for leaving him so abruptly. Wilbur walked to the same corridor he found Fundy in and started checking all the rooms until he finally found the one with his precious son sleeping. Wilbur sat down on Fundy's bed and started playing with his hair. Wilbur was silently looking at Fundy's features he really looked like his mother.  Wilbur was sitting he was thinking he should start moving back to his mansion. Maybe it was time to enrol Fundy into a preschool, so they can start teaching him. Wilbur was thinking he slowly fell asleep with his son.

However, at around 4 AM in Wilbur's chamber, there was a person the same figure that broke into lady beau's room came through Wilbur's window the figure looked around in confusion? The figure then started looking around thinking where was the prince? The person started speaking his thoughts out loud "where the hell is that brat I mean it's 4 in the morning did he go for a fucking jog".

The figure then stops as he sees the shattered mirror "what the". The figure then walked over to the vanity table and stated quietly going through it, he thought if he couldn't scare the prince might as well find some dirt on him.  "Ugh," the figure whispered he couldn't find anything "what a boring guy" the person sat on prince Wilbur's bed "Dream is going to kill me" just as he said that he heard something from outside Wilbur's door "shit". The figure thought as his immediate reaction was to hide under the bed.

Prince Wilbur had entered the room he was looking tired, and he was carrying someone? He was carrying his son! "Calm down Fundy look Dada's right here," the prince said as he was pacing around the room trying to calm his crying son down. "Look Fundy look it's uhh" Wilbur started looking for something to distract Fundy "look a feather" the figure under the bed was currently looking for a way to escape the weird situation. Prince Wilbur laid Fundy down on his bed Wilbur sat on the side and they both fell asleep. The figure internal started cursing himself for hiding under the bed.

The figure who was still under the bed sighed he carefully got out from under the bed and looked at prince Wilbur and his son "ugh". Sapnap (who was the mysterious figure)  sighed he made his way to the window and climbed out. He couldn't threaten the prince in the presence of a literal 1-year-old sapnap who has killed many people and pets, but he has some morals or at least he likes to think that. Sapnap knows dream is going to throw a little piss baby fit when he hears that sapnap was unsuccessful in scarring the prince. Oh, well "better get them next time" sapnap thought as he climbed a wall and was now walking through the forest behind the palace. He was quietly walking through the forest with his arms being his head he carelessly walked but little did he know somebody was watching him.

Random persons POV

"yes sir phase two is complete we have successfully made the duke's kid leave the scene according  to rumours she was being relocated to King Karl's Kingdom Kinoko"

"and what about that assassin shlatt sent in"

"he will be arriving soon, but he will have to undergo training before he is even close to the prince"

"alright when will dream and his family arrive ?"

"They have been delayed but will be arriving by next week at the latest"

"Alright keep me updated"

" of course grand Duke ********************** "

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