Chapter 6

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Theseus was walking down the corridors of the palace trying to find a guard, but he couldn't. He remembered that all the maids were excused at midnight, so he wasn't worried about that. Every corridor he turned down was empty. Theseus didn't know why but his gut was telling him something bad was happening he finally made it to his corridor, there were no guards or maids there either Theseus burst through the door. "Deo are you in here" yes I'm over here sorting through this mess of a desk "thank god you're here all the corridors are empty". "What," Deo said "that shouldn't happen where are the guards that were outside" "I don't know Deo, but they are not there" "isn't your squad meant to be out there," Deo asked. "I dismissed them all before we had our conversation with lady beau". Deo walked over to Theseus "Prince Theseus I think we should check on lady beau I feel like something is wrong". "Should we bring weapons"  "I have some gear in my dressing room" "here Deo" Theseus hands Deo an iron sword "thanks but what about yourself" "I have a sword as well" "alright let's go".

As the two boys were sprinting down the corridors with their swords in their sheath there still were no guards or maids around, Theseus was running up the stairs that lead up to beau's room. Theseus knocked on beau's door "your Ladyship may we come to enter" no response then Deo knocked "lady beau may we enter" no response. Theseus then knocked again "your ladyship please open the door" no response. "Deo" "yes your imperial highness" "break the door down" what you heard me  "your imperial highness I don't think the emperor will tolerate this kind of behaviour"  "fine if you wouldn't do it I will". Theseus was able to pull the Handle out of the door and from there he was able to open the door. Theseus entered the room first and was blocking Deo what Theseus saw shocked him. They saw a mysterious figure holding a dagger to the lady beaus throat while she slept, "take one step closer, and I  will", the person said as he placed the dagger on the lady beaus neck. The imperial prince slowly backed away and whispered to Deo "Deo go get someone if you can't find anyone goes find the emperor and request him to bring a guard"  Deo nodded  before running off. The prince slowly and carefully spoke, "take the dagger away from her neck" "what if I don't" the mysterious person said as he pushed the dagger on beau's neck . By now beau had woken up and was looking at the person trying to push herself up against the bed frame and slowly started budging away from the psycho. "Don't even think of moving" he spat out at her. "Imperially crowned prince Theseus drop your sword, or I will the mysterious person said as he slight put pressure on the dagger making a few droplets of blood trickle down beaus neck". Theseus looked at beau before sighing "as the imperial crowned prince of the Antarctic empire I command you to take off that mask covering your face" he said, "why would I listen to a brat like you". Theseus charged at the man with full force the person was almost shocked before he got the chance to push the dagger further against beaus neck she grabbed a pillow and threw it at the cloaked figure. The prince went to slash the person with his sword, but the cloaked figure withdrew a sword and slashed open the pillow that beau threw open. Feathers were in the air everywhere Theseus started sword fighting with the mysterious figure somewhere during the clashes of the swords Theseus was able to grab beau's wrist, and he harshly pulled her behind him. Beau saw that Deo had left his iron sword she quickly ran to get it and started fighting the cloaked figure with the cloaked figure the figure was able to land a nasty cut on her shoulder before he said. 

 "Well this has been fun, but I got a go see you later imperial prince and you to lady beau we will meet again very soon" the clocked figure said before jumping out of beaus window. As the figure jumped Theseus rushed to beaus side "your ladyship are you alright"  "I'm fine your grace it was just a little scratch" "you say that your ladyship, but blood is falling from both your neck and your shoulder". "Hey Theseus" "yes lady beau" "why are there three of you" as beau said this she fell on her knees "huh lady beau please try  to stay in your senses". Theseus put both his hands' oh her shoulders trying to keep her in her senses. Finally, Deo runs back into the room to see feathers all over the floor and the open window with the wind yawing the window back and forth and Theseus and beau on their knees. The royal doctor ponk appeared from behind Deo "oh my god it looks like a wild cat got let loose in here". Then he laid eyes on the prince and lady beau he immediately jumped and knelt down to talk to beau "your ladyship you look like you're in need of urgent medical care. Four  guard stepped in the room and asked if  everyone could leave the room, so they could investigate what happened. A guard was carrying beau to the infirmary. Theseus was asked to go give his statement about what happened. The emperor and the second imperial prince Wilbur emerged "oh my"  Wilbur said as he looked around the hallway to see 10 guards outside the room, and it was a mess. As soon as the guards see the emperor they immediately bow and yell "PLEASE BOW FOR HIS IMPERIAL  HIGHNESS EMPEROR". Philza waved acknowledging the guards so that they could go back to investigating .well it seems as if we missed crown prince Theseus and lady beau". I supposed they will be in the infirmary "prince Wilbur you are excused I suggest you go to your chamber and rest" the emperor said with a tired voice"of course your imperial highness" Wilbur said as he walked away.

After an hour of talking to the guards, Theseus was finally allowed to leave. Deo and Theseus went to the infirmary to see beau "ponk how is she" "she is doing find your imperial highness she was lucky it was not a deep cut after spraying some disinfection. I have bandaged her wounds up she is free to leave now" ponk said after he finished speaking he slightly bowed to the imperial prince, and he walks to his office. Theseus and Deo entered the room "hello Lady beau I'm glad to see you're doing fine" "thank you for your concerns" "come on you will be sleeping in a different  chamber for tonight".  Theseus watched Deo help lady beau stand. "Deo please help beau get to a guest room" "of course you imperial highness" "now if you both excuse me I will be heading off" Theseus said as he walked to the door and left. His thought was all in a mess it was such a hectic day he was trying to sort out his thought then he remembered his new guard should be appointed next week. Hopefully, the guard will be a good addition and not a mistake.

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