Chapter 16

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 Dream had unpacked all of his items and wondered if he could truly stop the war that was brewing. He had to do something. Maybe war was unavoidable. What if he is murdered in this castle. What if the Antarctic empire had been preparing for war, and they were going to frame dream and his sister for something and execute them. What if a rebel group from this empire broke into the palace and killed him. What if somebody took his sister hostage? 

Dream was overthinking, he was regretting his visit to this empire. Why did he have to bring his sister? She couldn't defend herself. It would have been better if it was just dream and sapnap. Drista should not have come, It's far too dangerous. Dream was now thinking of sending his sister back to the safety of their kingdom. If dream wrote to their mother saying he felt unsafe, the queen would make drista go back, but he would also have to go. Why couldn't His older brother Foolish go instead of Dream? Dream knows he is the crowned prince and that it's his responsibility, but Foolish should have come for support. Instead, while Dream is in the enemy's empire, foolish is preparing for war. The second dream leave's war will be declared by the greater dream SMP or by the Antarctic empire. Dream is trying to think of a reason to safely put his sister out of harm's way while he can still be in this empire.  

Dream was thinking, but somebody interrupted his train of thoughts and knocked on his door. "Enter" he yelled. Then sapnap had entered "hi dream what's up" "nothing much sapnap I'm just thinking" "well what are you thinking about". Sapnap said as he sat on dream's bed. " Well, how could we stop the war" "what do you mean stop the war" "stop the war that might happen?" dream said while looking at sapnap. Surely he told sapnap that before coming to this empire "why would we want to stop the war" sapnap said. "What do you mean sapnap we cannot go to war? We are barely prepared, and the reason we are here is to stall preparations. I mean, they cannot make preparations for war when the enemy is literally in their kingdom" "oh, so we are here to cause slight chaos and prevent them from preparing." "Yes, that's why you went to scare lady beau, and you were meant to leave a scar on prince Wilbur's face." Dream muttered the last part "hey I tried alright, but his son was right there" "so". "Ugh" dream scoffed Anyway,  "I'm going to head to eat lunch come on sapnap we should go get drista" "alright".

Sapnap and dream went over to drista's door and knocked "drista it's dream can I enter" "Drista hello" then sapnap just opened the door. "Sapnap you are meant to wait until she says we can enter" "well she isn't answering" dream sighed and entered the room "oh she isn't in here" "that's weird, maybe she already went to lunch" 

around 1 hour before, prince dream and sapnap knocked on Drista's door

a castle maid knocked on Drista's door "ma'am may I enter" "of course enter" drista said. The maid opened the door, "the imperial crowned prince has sent me to show you where the dining hall is" "oh of course". Drista got up "please lead the way miss" "of course ma'am" drista then started walking down the corridor "uh what's your name miss" "oh my name is Shelia" "oh well Shelia, when did you start working in this palace"? Shelia was about to answer, but then somebody said something that interrupted. "Shelia could you please go inform Fundy's governess that Fundy has come down with a fever and call for the royal doctor Ponk" "of course imperial prince Wilbur" "thank you, run along now" "of course". Shelia then leaves and runs down a corridor, "and you princess drista I would greatly appreciate it if you don't interrogate the castle staff". Wilbur then cleared his throat as he continued speaking. "Lunch is about to begin, I would run along to the dining hall if I were you" Wilbur then turns around and walks away. 

"What a rude person," drista thought she was about to continue walking, but she then remembered she had no idea where the dining hall was. She called after prince Wilbur "Uh Excuse me prince Wilbur but could you show me where the dining hall is" he turned around a devilish thought entered his mind he faked a smile and said, "of course princess".

He was walking in front of her for around 30 minutes, "um excuse me Prince Wilbur but are we nearly there yet? "Oh yes, just go through that corridor and turn left then open the doors, and you will be where you need to be." Thank you, prince Wilbur" "anytime anyway I'm off good day princess".prince Wilbur walked away but before drista, she was looking at the beautifully painted corridors. She was almost certain that the imperial crowned prince did not show her or her brother this part of the palace. She was about to turn left, but luckily someone was there to stop her.

"PRINCESS DRISTA STOP THIS INSTANT" Somebody yelled, Drista turned around instantly trying to find the owner of the voice. " Princess you're not allowed to enter that room!" a guard yelled sternly, "um, why would I not be allowed in this room?" She asked a little confused, "Princess, that is the room where the grand council members plan and discuss foreign affairs.  The only people allowed in that room are members of the grand court and the imperial royal family, if you enter that room without the permission of the royal family you will be thrown in jail". Drista's eyes widened, she whispered "what" then wisp cleared his throat anyway  "allow me to introduce myself. I am a wisp, and I am also a guard of the palace" "oh could you show me where the dining hall is" "of course princess, right this way." 

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