Chapter 9

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Beau was silently sitting on her bed looking down at the ground. A maid was packing her belongings she was due to leave in the early hours of the morning. She looked at all the framed photos the maids had placed in her box. Beau looked to see pictures of her when she was a baby and when her mother was holding her for the first time and a family portrait. Beau missed her father as they were really close but since he is always away she never sees him. She was going through her photos and she found a picture from Theseus 3rd birthday when they met she could she TimeDeo in the background crying to his mother.  She was going to miss this palace she knew she was not going to return for a while she had suspected that her father and the emperor wanted to drag beau away from the Palace. They didn't appreciate her presence any more she was no longer useful. She would leave, but she would make sure to return she could not leave her friends like this. 

The maid then finished packing and bowed he head down"I have finished packing your belonging your grace" "thank you, Shelia, you are excused". The maid Shelia then widened her eyes and said. "Before I leave your ladyship" beau turned to look at Shelia "it was a honer serving you" Shelia said as she shed a tear "oh Shelia I almost forgot". Beau said as she stood up she walked over to here draws that and pulled out her person a purse she open the purse to slightly see what was in it then she closed it. She  walked over to her personal maid. "Shelia you have served me every time I have come to stay in the palace. You have been serving me ever since I was young, and you took extra care of me when my mother passed and for that I think you should be rewarded here". Beau said as she handed Shelia a purse full to the brim with expensive jewellery "ma'am I cannot take this I can't".  "Please Shelia take it as a parting gift leave this palace buy a small little cottage by the border and live your life to the fullest but don't forget to write to me" "thank you so much your grace". Shelia said as now she was full on crying.  However lady beau didn't shed a tear "you are dismissed" beau said as she turned around to look out of the window "of course your grace" Shelia said as she walked t the door bowed and left.  Beau was looking down at the royal courtyard, and she didn't realise it, but she was crying.

After breakfast prince Theseus he informed Deo of what was happening with lady beau and how she was being moved to a mansion in kinoko. Deo was very upset, but he had told theses he would leave go get beau a gift then he would be busy preparing for general Technoblades return Theseus dismissed Deo. Then Theseus went to the library and sat reading a very long scroll that had every single law and decree passed by every single emperor. Then he had called a very important meeting that was regarding beau status in the empire after she left then he had gone to meet the emperor regarding this issue as it needed his permission and his signature.

Deo's visit to beau was nothing too extreme just saying some goodbye. Deo had gifted beau a beautiful yellow dress since this was going to be the last time Deo saw her. He was not going to be in the palace tomorrow as he had requested leave, so he could head to visit his family. He said his goodbyes and told her to keep in contact. Then he left and beau continued to look out of her window.

Whilst beau was staring outside the window crying she head a knock on her door "come in" she said as she quickly started wiping her tears but as the door opened she saw prince Theseus. She  curtseyed and said" I didn't expect to see your imperial highness here what bring you hear your  highness". The imperial prince closed the door behind him and said "you can cut the sarcasm and the titles' beau. " Theseus said as he stood there "anyway I have come to inform you that before you leave tomorrow you will still hold your seat in the Imperial royal court."

 Beau looked up to directly look at Theseus in his eyes "what" she said shocked she knew she was leaving but how could she still have a seat in the royal court despite leaving the empire. "What do you mean Theseus I am aware I am the daughter of a duke, but I am leaving the empire  I should be dismissed from his imperial highnesses royal court" . " Yes you should" however due to the tragic passing of your elder brother there is nobody to inherit your father's title due to the circumstances you will be able to inherit your father's title" "what" beau said as she was bewildered "but Theseus you cannot do that this must be passed though the emperor" . " I am aware of that beau, but the emperor didn't have a say in this "what do you mean" " after breakfast .  I went to the library to double-check something a law that was passed just 5 years after the empire was formed a royal decree that was passed by emperor Dan TDM.  I had to call a meeting with some other court members to check if this decree still stands,  apparently it doesn't, so then I took it to the emperor, and he said it was fine, and he will allow it. 

"So I get to inherit my father's title despite the fact I am a daughter?" beau said as she started to wrap this around her head. "Yep  well technically no an emperor will have to appoint you, but you will be able to inherit what your father owns you will be considered a lady of the court.  But you will hold the power of a Dutchess " beau had run to hug Theseus "thank you, Theseus" "it's fine beau take it as a parting gift. When I am appointed emperor then I can appoint you as an official Dutchess" "I cannot believe I am leaving tomorrow" . "I know it will be lonely without you here " "make sure to tell me about that new personal guard of yours " "of course beau . I shall see you tomorrow when you're leaving I'm sorry but i have to leave and attend a few meetings then I need to find Deo. " " alright bye Theseus  " "bye beau" he said as he walked to the door and left .beau sighed at least with here title she still could come and visit.

Time flies as now it was the next morning. Today is the morning of lady beaus departure she was wearing the dress Deo had gifted her. A beautiful mustard yellow dress she specifically chose to wear.  Yellow represents hope. Yellow represents positivity but most importantly. Yellow represents friendship.

 The emperor and the two imperial princes were expected to be there to greet beau a final goodbye. The emperor and prince Wilbur and beau were all on the palace's entrance steps . The emperor walked over to lady beau and put his hand on her shoulder "farewell lady beau I wish you a safe journey to kinoko" "thank you your imperial highness". Prince Wilbur who was never particularly close to beau said his goodbyes however Theseus had not shown up yet .she almost lost hope that he would come to bid her a final goodbye. 

 As she was about to turn to head to her carriage she saw a glance of one of his guards . Theseus  quickly walked over and bowed to beau "I bid you adieu your ladyship" "so long crowned imperial prince Theseus". She then stepped a little closer to Theseus and whispered "don't forget to write prick" "of course I will not forget bitch face" Theseus said with a smile.  Beau turned around and walked towards a grand blue carriage a guard gave her his hand as she was about to step in the carriage before she stepped inside she took one final gaze of the royal palace. She looked to see the royal family she could have sworn she saw a single tear on Theseus face she then looked forward and entered the carriage.

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