Chapter One

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It was another gloomy night in Manhattan. Not much happened that night so the Gargoyles who lived there were all doing their activities. All but Brooklyn who was feeling lonely again. His loneliness grew when one time peeking in on Broadway and Angela wishing deeply for a mate of his own. Little tears came as Brooklyn came to the fact that he may live on his own forever.

Nobody really wants to be with me anyway... he thought glumly, while wandering aimlessly into the artifact room. Brooklyn blinked a bit in surprise at where his feet led him too but he figured he could find something to entertain himself in here. But so far nothing sparked his interest.

That was when he heard a woman singing. Brook's ears pricked up at the noise. It was hauntingly beautiful. He glanced about trying to find it, the woman's siren singing growing louder inside his head, until something white and shimmering caught his eye. Was that where it was coming from?

Brooklyn ventured close to the object, uncovering what appeared to be a beautiful snowflake.

Whoa... Brooklyn thought silently when gazing mesmerized at the new artifact. The crystals shimmered in his eyes, he couldn't look away from it. Plus the woman's singing rang inside his head more, as if hypnotizing him as well as this pretty snowflake too. Where did Xanatos find it? And why did it capture his attention so much? His hand reached out, ready to take it.

Lex went to look for Brooklyn to hang out with him. But he couldn't find him. But then the olive gargoyle heard a scream come from the artifact room. "Brooklyn!" He shouted, running to his brother who may be in danger.

Brooklyn had touched the snowflake; gasping then shouting from the thing lighting up and nearly blinding him. He tried letting go of it but it seemed stuck to his hold. Wind whistled in his ears, a snow storm began to swirl around him. Brook held up his other arm to shield his eyes but suddenly began to hear voices.

"Conceal it... don't feel it..."

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"I don't take people places..."


"Let it go, let it go!"

Brooklyn grimaced, shaking his head while struggling to let go of this blasted snowflake. What were these voices even talking about? It really confused the red gargoyle, as more began to speak.

"I woke the magical spirits..."

"Into the Unknown!"

"Magic makes people too powerful, too entitled. It makes them think they can defy the will of a king..."

"Since then things have done nothing but change!"

"Agh! Stop! Let me go!" Brooklyn shrieked, unable to handle this anymore, even more desperate to throw the snowflake away. Among the strange voices he heard his brother.

"Brooklyn! Brooklyn!"

Brooklyn tried looking for him but the blizzard now blocked out everything. He tried pushing through but the strong winds put him back.

Lex was open mouthed at the sight of the indoor blizzard cocoon that looked like it was keeping his red brother in there. The other gargoyles and Xanatos joined him.

"No! Let Brooklyn go!" Roared Goliath, reaching to get him but Xanatos took his arm. "Don't, the magic on whatever has him could pull you in, too." The clan now could only watch in dismay.

Brooklyn was getting overwhelmed from the blizzard as well as the siren song playing again. He let a little moan go from a sudden stomach pain, eyes rolling to the top of his head whilst feeling everything around him disappear, slumping to the floor and passing out, the blizzard making his body disappear.

As the blizzard cleared away; everyone gasped in shock, for Brooklyn was gone, leaving no trace of him at all. Where could he have gone?


Yep, another crossover to write, never wrote Frozen before, so I hope people like it. :)

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