Chapter 49

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Valeria's POV

The phone is ringing as we're all growing more and more nervous and impatient.

My father will be the one talking with Ivan but we're all gathered in the room to hear the exchange. Since the boxing room, me and Lorenzo haven't spoke a word to each other... which means I have to deal with this additional tension.

I mean who am I to complain? This is all my fault.

We finally hear a voice on the other line and I feel myself unconsciously holding my breath.

"Hello?" I recognize Ivan's voice.

The nervousness I was feeling is quickly replaced with anger. I cannot wait to have this bastard in front of me so I can finally let all the frustration, that he was the cause of, out.

"This is Alessandro speaking" my father states, not returning the greetings.

"Ah! Alessandro!" Ivan says in an amused tone. "I was expecting your call"

What the fuck was so amusing ?

"And why is that?" my father demands.

"I know you have my daughter, so I knew you'd try a move" he nonchalantly said, as if us holding his daughter hostage wasn't such a bad thing.

"I don't have any time to waste, I'm calling to propose a trade. Your daughter, for the people you took away on the casino day" my father states, obviously irritated by Ivan's amusement.

"Hmm, I'll have to think about it. I'll call you back" Ivan replies before hanging up.

"Something isn't adding up, he's way too calm for someone who's daughter is being held hostage by their enemies." I finally let out .

"We don't really have a choice. If he accepts the trade, we must proceed with it." Antonio explains.

"This doesn't add up, there wasn't a slight sign of worry in his voice." I argue.

"Do you see a better solution?" Antonio growls back.

Before I could answer, the phone rang, making us all grow silent. My dad picks it up.

"Have you made your decision?"

"Indeed I have. I accept the trade but only in one condition... I choose the meeting's location"

My dad looks up to meet with my disagreeing look. None of this sounded good.

"I want to speak with the hostages first," my dad answered.

"Oh Alessandro, I didn't ask to speak to my daughter, because I trust you and your honour. Don't insult me by not returning the same feeling"

"Send me the location, we'll meet there at dawn" my father stated before hanging up.

"Dad, this is a bad idea. There's obviously something wrong with all this!" I try to build some sense into him.

I look towards Lorenzo for some help, but he's looking down, as if he was avoiding my gaze.

"Why didn't you negotiate more? We can't just go wherever he wants without even knowing if our people are okay. Damn it"

"Valeria, Ivan is a very unstable man. I don't want to take any unnecessary risks by offending him. I'm sure everything will go well. We just need to be prepared"

I grow frustrated at everyone's silence. Can't they see that all of this is suspicious?

"FINE! Don't listen to me! But if something happens, I'll hold the three of you accountable for it!" I yell , walking out of the office, slamming the door on my way out.

Deep down, they all knew none of this sounded good. But it's like they just want to take the first opportunity they have.

Trades like these are usually full of negotiations. Why should we fear Ivan? Sure he now has  a weapon that may make us think twice before going to war with him... but we could've pushed a little more.

I have a bad feeling about all of this...


Lorenzo is silently driving as I am seated next to him. Our fathers organized the transport and they decided to place us in the same vehicle. But that was the last thing I was concerned about.

So many thoughts were clouding my mind. Will Xavier be there for the trade? In what state will I find Elena? What if all of this is a trap?

I feel my heart racing and pounding in my chest. My nervousness grows so much that I start feeling myself shake a little.

I take a deep breath, trying to ease myself. From the corner of my eye, I can see Lorenzo turning his head a few times, trying to be discreet, and then sighing silently. As if he was growing frustrated.

"Are you-"

"Do you-" I start at the same time as him.

We both turn our heads straight forward and grow silent before he decides to speak again.

"I was going to ask if you're okay"

"I'm fine. I'm just worried" I responded.

"Everything will go well"

"You sound sure of yourself"

"What is it that you're worried about exactly?" He asks again.

At this moment, I didn't care that me and Lorenzo grew apart, I just needed to empty my mind... and he was the only one around.

" I don't know, what I'd it's a trap? And what if-"I pause.

"What if what?"

"What if he's there?" I whisper. "I don't know if I'm ready to see him"

Lorenzo eyes fall in mine and I can sense a glimpse of emotion before anger takes over.

"Nothing will happen to you. I will make sure of it... as your partner of course. I've got your back."

As your partner... why did those words hurt? I made it clear that this is what I wanted so why is it suddenly hurting me?

A/N: Hey loves...

I want to start by apologizing for not being active. I have been struggling a lot recently for many reasons and I couldn't bring myself to write or even read.

I hope you can forgive me.

I'll try to update more but I can't make any promises. I'm starting to feel better but if it happens that I simply do not enjoy writing, I'll let you know. I may put this story on hold because I have a beautiful story prepared and I want to write it well. So I may take a break to come back stronger. I don't know yet...

Anyways... I hope you enjoy this short chapter.

Thank you all for your patience, I love you all ❤️

And to all those who sent me messages to make sure I was well, you hold a special place in my heart, xoxo


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