Chapter 19: Hero Work

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Orion slept on his bed at the agency. He had spent a large amount of his life at his father's agency, so he felt comfortable sleeping there. One of the workers entered his room, "Mr. Cyber? It's time for you to get ready." Orion woke up at the worker's words, "Ok. What's on the agenda today?" The worker said, "Uh, mostly patrols, a few reports that need to be filled out, and some requests that have been made for All Might." Orion nodded in understanding, "Okay. I'll go get ready. I need to change." The worker excused themselves as the boy went to change into his hero costume. 

Cyber continued on his patrol on his board. He let out a yawn as he watched the city below. He had been on patrol for well over an hour. It seemed pointless to patrol in the area so close to All Might's agency. That building was basically a deterrent for any major criminals. The only people who would commit crimes were idiots and small-time crooks. Of course, the other heroes who worked in the area managed to take down those criminals without any additional help. Orion looked around and saw that there was nothing for him to do. Of course, he had already completed all the paperwork and other tasks that he needed to complete at the agency. That's when he got idea, "I know. I'll go visit Midoriya. Gran Torino may be terrifying, but it's still better than doing nothing." He turned his board and had it go to where Gran Torino lived.

After a few minutes, Cyber reached the building that Gran Torino was living in. He put away his board and knocked on the door. After a few minutes, Midoriya opened the door and was surprised to see his classmate, "Orion! What are you doing here?!" Cyber said, "I was doing patrol and decided that I'd come over to see how you were doing." He passed Midoriya and entered the building. As he entered, he sensed Gran Torino approaching and barely managed to being kicked in the face by the old pro hero. Torino glared at the boy as he landed, "You brat! You're supposed to be working at All Might's agency. What the hell are you thinking, coming here?" Cyber bowed, "I'm sorry Gran Torino, but there wasn't really much point in me being there. There weren't any major criminals, the other heroes can deal with the small-time criminals, and I already did the paperwork. There was really nothing that I needed to do. Besides, it's a bit uncomfortable for people to ask me where All Might is because he's usually with me." Gran Torino sighed, "Fine. Do what you want?" The boy responded, "I wanted to check on Midoriya. The ninth successor's training matters to me too, you know." Torino chuckled, "Alright. Let's have some snacks as this brat continues to train." Cyber followed the old man into the kitchen where they talked about what had happened since the last time they spoke. Midoriya continued to think of a way to control One for All. After a few hours, Cyber stood up and prepared to leave. As he opened the door, he turned to Midoriya, "Hey, Midoriya. Don't do anything that will cause trouble. And make sure you aren't hospitalized." Midoriya smiled, "Right. Don't worry, I won't."

A few days later, Orion received a message from Gran Torino that Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki were in the hospital after having confronted the Hero Killer. The boy slammed his head on the desk at the message. He mumbled, "I won't get hospitalized my butt." He let out a sigh as he continued his work.

Author's Note: 
To all readers, I apologize for the lack of updates. I have been busy and been unable to update, buy I will try to update more often. Thank you for continuing to read the story. Once again, I am sorry.

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