Chapter 2: Meeting Kirishima

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Cyber watches as Midoriya continued to haul the trash from the beach. For the past few months, Midoriya had been following a training regimen that All Might had designed to make his body ready to handle One for All. Cyber sighs. He had been watching them from afar for the past few weeks, checking on Midoriya's state. He was doing fine for now and rapidly improving. Cyber brought out his hover board and began to do his patrols. He had more work to do now that All Might had to spend time training Midoriya.

After a long patrol, Cyber was ready to go home. He had had to cover the entire city and went to check on the buildings that had been destroyed a few months ago.

Flashback: A Few Months Ago
"Are you sure Cyber?" Cyber looked as one of his fellow heroes questioned his plan. Cyber sighed, "Yes, I'm sure. If we follow my plan, we'll be able to rebuild the houses that were destroyed by the hostages quirk within the month. Maybe even sooner." The other heroes were skeptical, but listened to Cyber. He began to explain how he planned to ask for donations from people that the heroes worked with and during events that the heroes sponsored so that they can purchase new building material for the houses. Then, by using their quirks, the heroes would be able to speed up the building process so that the people who once lived there can return to their ordinary lives. A lot of the heroes agreed to it, while the rest took some convincing. If the construction had been left to the builders, then the buildings would have been repaired in three months. Cyber finished it within six days.

A rewards ceremony was held to thank the heroes that had rebuilt the houses. Everyone who had suffered from the incident was  cheering for them, thankful to have their homes back. The heroes that had followed Cyber's plan were all on the podium, waiting to give a speech. At the moment, Death Arms was calling Cyber. Cyber answered and Death Arms asked, "Cyber, where the hell are you? The ceremony is about to begin and we want you to give a speech with us." Cyber replied, "I can't. I'm busy doing this form of torture people call yoga. Besides, you all know that I don't like publicity. I'm not like All Might." Death Arms sighed as Cyber hanged up. He had to apologize to the crowd about why Cyber chose not to show up. He expected them to be annoyed, but instead, they cheered for Cyber, saying that he did something amazing without wanting to be recognized for it.

Flashback: End

Cyber looked around and saw someone standing outside a house. He was a male around Cyber's age with black hair and red eyes. Cyber went down behind him and patted his shoulder. The male turned and jumped in surprise, "Hey, wait. You're Cyber!" Cyber said, "Well, it was my name the last time that I checked." As he said that, his glasses gave him the information on the person in front of him. His name was Eijiro Kirishima and he had a hardening quirk. Cyber asked, "What's wrong?" Kirishima said, "Nothing. Nothing's wrong." Cyber frowned, "I know that you're lying to me. Come one, tell me what's wrong so I can help. After all, that's what it means to be a hero." Kirishima looked at him before saying, "Well, I wanted to prove that I have a manly spirit, but I only proved that I don't. I wanted to be a hero like my idol, Crimson Riot. But, today, I had a chance to save some of my classmates from a villain, but I couldn't do anything. I was scared stiff and stood there while another classmate saved them. I just felt so pathetic and thought that I could never become a hero." Cyber blinked before slapping both of Kirishima's cheeks. Kirishima yelled out, "Ow!" as he rubbed his cheeks. Cyber said, "Why does that mean that you can't be a hero? So you weren't able to step in just once. Big deal. Tons of heroes couldn't step in when they needed to. It's a fact of life. We are all human after all. We fear death and getting hurt badly. No one is capable of doing everything. Even I was scared when I first started out. I had to stay by All Might's side for a long time before I was brave enough to fight villains on my own. However, even when I was with All Might, I was still afraid. So, you see, it's okay to fail to be a hero sometimes because you're afraid. What matters is what you choose to do after you fail. You must never give up hope on your dreams. Keep pushing until you reach them. Here, let me show you something." Cyber pulled out one of his screens and began to search through the internet and found what he was looking for. He showed Kirishima an old video of Crimson Riot during an interview. Kirishima said, "Hey, I have the disk set with this interview." Cyber punched his face lightly, "Silence your face and listen. This might change your life. Maybe it'll even allow you to have the necessary power to save a hero one day from a horrifying villain with an incredibly destructive quirk, but, what are the odds of that?" 

Cyber watched Kirishima as he listened to the interview by Crimson Riot. Once it finished, Cyber out away the screen. He turned to Kirishima. The black haired male was wiping some tears from his eyes, obviously having been moved by the interview and Crimson's words. Cyber smiled and ruffled Kirishima's hair, "See, you can become a hero. You just need to work hard at it. Remember, I'll be expecting great things from you, Eijiro Kirishima. Hmm. You remind me of a certain teenager that I met a while back. I think that the two of you would make great friends. Oops, I almost forgot. I need to go sign out to say that I finished my patrol. See you later Kirishima." As Cyber left, Kirishima gave him a smile and went home with a renewed confidence in himself and signed his high school form for UA. 

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