Prologue: Origins: Orion Yagi

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All Might looked at the little boy his lover had just given birth to. The baby had been born three months before its due date and was under developed, so he was kept alive by life support. All Might was happy that his son had managed to live, but also mourned. As a result of giving birth, his love, Angelica, had perished. It was no real surprise. She had been sick for many years. It had been a miracle that she was able to get pregnant at all. All Might knew that he had to be strong for his late love and take care of his new born son. Night eye approached All Might, "All Might, are you okay?" All Might said, "I will be. I need to be strong for my son. It's the last thing that I can do for Angelica, now that she has become a star in the sky." Night eye laughed, "Ah, yes. Her quirk. Starlight Angel. She was able to sprout angel wings that shimmered like stars. It's rare for something like that not to be a mutation quirk." All Might nodded. Gran Torino spoke up, "Well, have you thought of a name?" All Might thought for a minute before looking outside. He then saw a constellation. He turned to his mentor and sidekick, "I shall name him Orion. It was the name of Angelica's father and the name of the constellation of the hunter. Let this name give the baby strength to live." Night eye and Gran Torino smiled at seeing that All Might was still going strong.

Time Skip: Four Years Old.
"What do you mean he has a quirk? He hasn't shown signs of one!" Grant Torino was yelling at Recovery Girl as Orion sat beside him, reading a book on quantum physics. Recovery Girl sighed, "It's like I said he has the signs of having a quirk. If he was quirkless, then he would have a double jointed toe, but he doesn't. That means he must have a quirk." Gran Torino said, "But he hasn't spread any angel wings and he doesn't have super strength, so what?" Recovery Girl thought for a moment before coming up with an answer, "It is entirely possible that his quirk is a mutation. A quirk that has no relation to quirks that have existed in past generations. If that's the case, then there's no way of telling what his quirk might be." Orion stared at Recovery Girl after closing his book. He asked, "Is there anything we can do to test my quirk?" Recovery Girl said, "I'm sorry sweetie, but there's no test for children's quirks. It's just something that has to happen naturally." Orion sighed. Gran Torino stood up, "Well, we should get going. Don't want this one to finish his book and have nothing to do. Otherwise he might start reciting every book he's ever read. Say bye to Recovery Girl, Orion." Orion said, "Bye bye." Recovery Girl waved back.

Gran Torino sighed as he walked out of UA High School. The fact that Orion might have an unknown quirk would make things even more difficult for All Might than they are now. Being the number one hero was exhausting, even for him. Orion said, "Can I see Papa?" Torino said, "You know he's working. And you can't get close because you might get hurt or someone might find out your his son and try to hurt you. We can't see your Papa now, but later." Torino continued to walk when he heard Orion say, "Hey look! It's Papa." Torino turned back to see a screen in front of Orion. Torino walked back to see All Might on the screen. Orion said, "I want to see him close up." As he said that, the screen obeyed. Orion giggled as Torino stood in shock. The two of them walked back to UA to talk to Recovery Girl again. Later that day, All Might returned, "I am here... with the groceries." He ran into the room with a bag of groceries and saw Orion playing with a screen. All Might stood there before yelling, "What?!" Torino explained Orion's quirk. It was being called Cybernet. It gave Orion the ability to create a screen that connected to the internet. He could control what was projected on the screen, it's movements, and the size and shape of the screen. Moreover, Orion could also create a keyboard to type on like a computer and the information would be stored in his body. All Might said, "What an amazing quirk! Orion! Today, we eat out! What would you like?" Orion thought for a moment, "How about katsudon?" All Might laughed and put on a disguise to head out. Night eye was able to join them and the four of them went to eat some delicious katsudon. Orion finished eating as the adults talked and looked outside. He saw a little green haired boy with green eyes wearing an All Might hoodie and holding an All Might figurine walking with his mother. Orion smiled at the sight. He wished he could spend time with his father or that his mother was still around. However, he still enjoyed the people he had in his life.

Time Skip: Nine Years Old.
Orion cried after what he heard his father went through. He had just finished battling All for One, the most notorious villain in the world and the monster that killed his father's predecessor. Orion waited for news when All Might walked out of the room. He watched as his father expressed a desire to continue on as the Symbol of Peace. His companions argued that he should be resting and retire. All Might refused because he thought that the villains would just attack the innocent people once he did. Night eye tried to get All Might to rest until they found a successor, but he still refused. Orion then said, "I'll... help Papa." The adults looked at him. Orion continued, "I'll become a hero so that I can be with Papa and make sure he stays safe. And I'll help him find a successor." Night eye frowned, "But you are still just a child." Orion said, "I don't care! Papa is right. Just because All for One is gone, doesn't mean he didn't have a plan! For all we know, All for One could have arranged to be defeated just so Papa could get injured! If that's the case, then there might be someone following All for One's orders to attack once Papa retires. If I'm with Papa, I can make sure he stays safe." All Might smiled, "My beloved son. Thank you for believing in me. I wish I could give you my power, but your body has always been too weak." Orion said, "I wouldn't have accepted it anyway. That power needs to go to someone who can use it better than I could. Now, let's go." All Might nodded and walked to his son.

Time Skip: Twelve Years Old.
There was a large scale attack from a group of villains in one of the major cities. Several heroes had been called in, but only a few had arrived thus far. The villains were about to escape when they were punched and sent flying. In front of them was the one and only All Might, "Not to worry. Why? Because... we are here." Many people were confused by All Might's change of phrase. When All Might saw this, he pointed to a figure next to him. The boy was almost half All Might's size, but unnoticeable. He wore a blue and white jumpsuit with a blue hood that was uncovered to reveal blue hair that was spiked upwards with blond streaks and blue goggles. He wore a pair of pure black shoes and black gloves as well. He was also smiling, just like All Might. All Might laughed, "This here is Cyber, the Cyberse hero. The youngest hero to date. He's a protege of mine. Now, let's go." Cyber nodded, "I'll do an analysis of the area to see if there are any more villains. All Might nodded and went to find more victims that needed to be saved.

A half hour later, the victims were all saved from the rubble. All Might was about to leave with Cyber when they were swarmed by reporters. One reporter asked, "Cyber, how old are you?" Cyber replied, "I just turned twelve a while back." A few gasps came from the crowd. However, Cyber said, "We must leave now. Sorry." With that they were off. Cyber removed his equipment, "That was close. Now you have just an hour left of hero work today." All Might, in his true form, watched as his son put away his hero costume. He smiled, "It's all thanks to you for keeping track of my limit with your quirk." Orion replied, "It was nothing." He thought back to the events today. In the crowd, he spotted a boy with green hair and green eyes writing in a notebook. Orion smiled as he remembered the boy from when he discovered his quirk. Orion smiled, "Don't worry dad. I'll find you a successor."

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