Chapter 10: USJ

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The students were gathering in front of the bus that was suppose to take them to the training area for the rescue training class. Orion and Izuku were both wearing their UA gym uniforms instead of their costumes. Uraraka walked up to them, "Oh, why are the two of you wearing your gym uniforms instead of your costumes?" Izuku said, "Well, my costume is out for repairs. So, I'm left with this to wear." Uraraka turned to Orion, "And what's your excuse?" Orion explained, "It would be pointless to wear a costume that I constantly wear for a training exercise. It would lessen it's importance and symbolism." Iida called to all the students, "Excuse me, we must board the bus. Everyone must sit in the seat corresponding to their class number." Iida was disappointed to find that the bus had an open area seating. Orion sat down next to Todoroki. He took out his phone and plugged in his air pods to listen to music. He paid a bit of attention to his classmates and read their lips. They were talking about who's quirks were great and who would make a good hero. Orion sighed and returned to listening to his music. 

After a long drive, they arrived to the training center. Orion turned off his phone and put away his personal belongings. The students all walked out of the bus and waited. After that, they were all greeted by the Space Hero: Thirteen. As Thirteen began their speech to the other students, Orion looked around for his father. When he didn't see him, Orion assumed that All Might had used up all of his time as a hero already. That meant that he wouldn't be attending the class. Orion let out a sigh, 'Figured as much.' Orion turned to face the other two heroes. Thirteen was talking about the importance of quirk usage and how some quirks could really hurt people. Orion looked at Aizawa, who nodded at him. This confirmed his suspicion that his father had already used up all of his time. Orion took out one of his screens to check on his father's position. Orion thought to himself, 'Well, it seems like he's resting in the teacher's lounge back at UA. At least, he isn't somewhere where he'll get hurt or be seen in his true form.' He closed his screen and saw that Thirteen had finished their lengthy speech regarding the importance of knowing how dangerous quirks can be. As Aizawa was trying to get the classes attention, he and Orion felt that something was off with the air. They turned to look at the fountain in the center of the area. Suddenly, a portal opened up and villains began walking out of it. Kirishima exclaimed, "Wow. Are those robots? Like during the test? I thought that this was just a a rescue exercise." As he took a step forward, Aizawa yelled at him, "Step back. Those are real villains. Thirteen protect the students. Everyone, stay together." Orion said, "Eraser-head, we need to get rid of these villains quickly. I'll back you up as much as I can." The two heroes ran down the stairs and began to battle the villains. Orion was making his cyber blocks to push the villains with enough force to knock them out. As he turned around to see his fellow classmates, he saw several of them being swallowed by the portal. Aizawa also noticed it. Orion checked his screen of the students and saw that they were all still in the USJ. Orion yelled to him, "Eraser, they're all still in the USJ. We need to finish off these villains fast and get them all." Eraser nodded in agreement as he rushed to continue fighting villains.

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