Blake's New Boyfriend Part 3

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It was the night of the Kick Back and I was preparing for my song. I've never sang in front of a bug audience, but what was more scary was that Danny was going to see me perform. He has yet to see me do any kind of performance as I was too scared to show him that side of me, but now I'm ready. He was was partying with Beck and Jade while I set up. Suddenly I heard Sikowitz announce over the microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please hold all body and/or bodily movements. Tonight we have a special treat for you as our very own Blake Barba will be making her singing debut. Take it away Blake!"

The spot light was on me and for the first time since I was a kid, I felt my heart skip a beat over a performance. Then I saw Danny standing there with a big smile on his face mouthing something.

He said "You got this."

I took a deep breath and started my song. My song for Danny.

When I finished, there was a resounding applause filling the air. Danny, Beck, and Jade were clapping the loudest while Tori had a displeased look on her face. I had heard from Cat that she was bitching about not being asked to perform.

"Let's here it one more time for Blake Barba everyone!"
Danny and I were at one point dancing and having the time of our lives. He told me how much he loved the song, I told him I wrote based on what we have said to each other and texted each other in the past couple months. Next thing I know, we were making out up against the school's food truck away from everyone. It was like we were in our own little piece of heaven. But next thing I knew we were being sprayed by the nearby cheese fountain! Danny and I immediately broke apart screaming as the piping hot cheese poured on us. Sikowitz came running and unplugged the fountain.

"What the hairballs!?"

Danny and I looked to see that Tori had a scared look on her face with the fountain piece in one hand and a impaled sausage in the other.

"You got cheese in our hair!"

"What the hell Vega!"

"Why did you do that? You could've hurt Blake!"

Tori started stammering and when she saw everyone was staring she bolted away. Danny started leading us away to get cleaned up when we heard Sikowitz yelling.

"You see? This is what happens when you mix teenagers and hot cheese!"

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