Tori the Zombie Part 1

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In the Blackbox Theatre, I was sitting in the audience with my fellow classmates that were participating in the musical "Uptown Downtown". Beck, Robbie and Tori were on stage performing one of the most pivotal scenes. Tori's character must pick between two men, one that is wealthy and can give her anything she wants but he only loves her cause she's beautiful. The other man is poor and can't give her much, but he loves her for who she is and not because she's beautiful.
I thought Beck was doing a great job, but watching Robbie and Tori made me fall asleep on Jade's shoulder as she read her emails. Suddenly I was awoken by the sound of disco music playing and jolted up straight with a snort. Jade wasn't happy with what was happening and stood to look at Sinjin.

"What up with the disco?!"

"I'm sorry. I hit the wrong thing."

"No! 15 years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!"

She's not wrong. Sinjin is unlike anything on this planet. Our teacher in charge of the play Mr. Olson decided to give us a break, which gave me time to message boyfriend. Been a long time since I've said that. While I was messaging him if he wanted to get some coffee later, Jade started yelling again.

"Uh guys, guys shut up a second!"

"Whatcha got?"

"An email from Principal Eikner."

Tori came up next to Jade and me.

"That says?"

Before Jade continued she gave Tori one hell of a dirty look.

"To all students involved in our school's production of Uptown Downtown, Sofia Michelle will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will be personally attending your opening-night performance."

We all responded with noises of excitement while Mr. Olson ran out of the room holding his stomach. Where is he going? But leave it to Tori to ruin the moment.

"Who's Sofia Michelle?"

Jade was the first to voice her opinion about Tori's famous ignorance, while pulling Beck away from her.

"Oh no, no, no."


"She gets to be the lead and she doesn't even know who Sofia Michelle is."

"Wait, is she the lady that does the infomercials for the vibrating hairbrush?"

Sinjin finally piped up.

"I love that hairbrush!"

Finally Robbie told her to look at the cover of her damn script.

"Oh Sofia Michelle wrote the play we're doing."

I can't take much more of her stupidity, I need to say something.

"How did you get into this school again?"

She looked offended after hearing me say that, but the girl is so dense that it gets on my last nerve.

Mr. Olson came running back into the room guzzling water telling us how we need to be perfect for Sofia Michelle. She's the biggest playwrite on broadway and we need to impress her.
After school I was in one of the dance halls practicing for the musical when Jade walked in.

"Alright Blake Lucia Barba. Tell me about this new boyfriend and whether or not I need to make him disappear."

I grabbed my towel to dry off my face and took a long drink of water before responding.

"What do you want to know?"

"When are Beck and I meeting him?"

"I don't know, it's only been a week."

"Has your Dad met him?"

"Nope. Been too busy with work."

"Is he good to you?"

"Very. He loves "The Scissoring" Jade."

Her previously hardened face lightened up a little bit at that answer.

"Alright. But I want to meet him soon."

I promised her that she would and she left so that I could get back to practicing. I cannot embarrass myself in front of Sofia Michelle.

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