The Bird Scene Part 2

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The next day in Sikowitz's class.

"Ready? Drive-by acting exercise, you're all angry Englishmen. Go!"

We all stood up and began shouting at one another.

"I insist you tell me who sat on me crumpet!"

My grandmummy went to the loo while I snogged the Prime Minister."

"I found my husband was cheating on me with my pipple and squeak!"

"This flock of Whip-Poor-Wills is bothering my trousers!"

"Good heavens! There's a dead cockroach in my brassiere!"


"I told you not to put plum sauce on me banger!"

We all kept shouting at one another till Sikowitz told us to shut it and sit down, while he took his place at the front.

"Now that we're all loosey and/or goosey. The time has come for our newest student to tackle..."

He led us in stomping our feet in place of a drum roll.

"...the Bird scene. Tori the stage is yours, though you can't take it home."

"Can I ask you a quick question before I start?"

Jade decided to release an unlady like sound of annoyance out of her mouth and I responded with a quick jab to her ribs. Sikowitz just told her to do her best and yelled action. Tori proceeded with her monologue and did a fantastic job on it and would have passed with flying colors, if she didn't ask Sikowitz the one question that always resulted in failure.

"How was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did I do the scene right?"

"Oh, no not at all."

"Okay, then what I did wrong?"

"You'll have to perform the scene again tomorrow and get it right, or else you can't be in Andre's play or any other."

"But can you tell me what I did wrong?"

"No I can't."

"I don't get any feedback?"

"That is correct."


Sikowitz interrupted Tori's protests with a drive-by acting exercis of us acting like terrified dolphins.

"Eeeee! Eeee! Eeeee!"
After class had ended, Tori was was following us in the hallway begging for us to tell her how to do the Bird scene.

"Oh come on, how am I supposed to do the scene right if no one will tell me what I did wrong. I thought you guys were my friends."

Que Jade's response.

"I'm not your friend."

She says while tugging Beck away. I can put up with a lot of things, but whining isn't one of them. I decided to add my own bit to the conversation.

"I just tolerate you. But have you ever heard of doing something on your own without someone holding your hand. You're studying to enter show business which is a cut throat world and you expect to get far by whining? Figure it out Vega."

She had a look of shock on her face as I've never spoken more then a sentence to her before. But she was getting on my nerves. Jade tried to reach for me to calm down, but I walked away to ballet class.


As soon as I entered the classroom, I was bumrushed by all of the boys in the classroom after they screamed out the word Girl! But once they saw it was me they all took a couple of steps backwards when they caught sight of my black ballet outfit and the large glare on my face.

"Listen up! I know you guys joined the class to pick up girls. But I hate to break it to you, it's just me and I will make you all cry if one of you tries anything. Got it?"

"Yes Ma'am!"

The sight of Andre and Robbie in tights is something I could have gone my whole life without it.

*can't take credit for the outfits, found them on google

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