Stage Fighting Part 2

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I was sitting with Beck and Jade eating lunch. They were telling me how stage fighting class went and I told them that I got the part that I auditioned for. I couldn't help but notice that Tori kept staring at our table and more specifically Jade. I waited for Beck to get up and get a refill on his drink before I said anything.

"Hey Jade."


"Don't look but Vega keeps staring at you."

Jade kept eating her food and told me that Tori and her were paired up for a fight scene and Tori has been freaking out since.

"You're not actually going to hit her are you?"

"Of course not. I'm the one that's supposed to be "hit". You have free period at that time, you wanna come watch?"

"I guess."

"Great. You won't want to miss it Blake. I'm going to catch up with Beck."

With that Jade grabbed her stuff and left me to enjoy my fruit salad in peace. Until Robbie sat down next to me rather too close for comfort. I continued to eat my lunch and try to ignore his presence.

"Hey, Hey Blake."

I didn't bother looking up when I answered.

"What do you want Shapiro?"

"I don't know. Just hanging."

I looked up enough to reach for my bottle of water when I felt a hand turn my face and a pair of lips meet mine. ROBBIE IS KISSING ME!!! I quickly pulled away and punched him so hard in the face that he fell onto the ground groaning. I got up and started gathering my stuff.

"What the fuck Robbie!"

He was too busy groaning in pain and holding his eye from where I punched him. Andre and Tori came running over when they saw Robbie on the ground and me yelling. Tori spoke up first while she kneeled down to help Robbie.

"Robbie what happened?"

"He kissed me that's what happened! Why would you do that?"

"Because we like each other."

"We what?"

At this point Andre turned to look at me in anger.

"You like him and not me?!"

Robbie went onto explain that me kissing him in the audition scene proves that we like each other. Andre proceeded to become even more angry.

"You'll kiss him but not me!?"

Suddenly a pantsless Rex came flying onto the table and I knew that it was my time to leave.

"Don't worry, I don't like either of you two."

And with that I made a mad dash back inside the school.
Later in the day I was sitting in on Jade's stage fighting class after she provided me with some much needed mouthwash. I told her and Beck what had happened and how I got a week's worth of detention for giving Robbie a black eye. So it's easy to say that I was in a bad mood. At the moment I was sitting next to Jade watching Andre and Jess in the middle of their fight scene, Andre being the one getting beaten up. They did a really great job with their scene that I had to clap when they were finished. Mr. Weathers came up to the front to announce the next pairing.

"All right. Next up we have, Tori and Jade."

Jade and Tori made their way up front ans it was easy to see how scared Tori was and how happy Jade was with that reaction. They got ready with their props, Jade as a brutal mugger and Tori as a defenseless old lady. The guest teacher Russ said that the safe word was butternut if anyone got hurt. Butternut? After Tori stopped being a chicken shit and crying butternut, they started the scene.

"Oh, I certainly did enjoy the bingo. Although I do miss Bob Hope."

Jade ran up behind Tori amd grabbed her shoulders.

"Gimme your money."


"I ain't playing. Gimme your money and your watch."

"Oh wouldn't you rather have this?"

Tori broke from Jade's hold and swung around with her cane at Jade's face. But instead of missing, the sound of the cane cracking across Jade's face echoed through the Blackbox theater.


The sound of her yelling in pain and falling to the ground made my stomach drop. I yelled at the top of my lungs.


I dashed out of my seat to help her up off of the ground.


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