Rex Dies Part 1

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Beck and I were performing a scene in Mr. Sikowitz's class.

"How's your eggplant?"

"It's fine, how's your spaghetti?"

"I hate you!"


'I'm not having spaghetti, I'm having spagatini."

"What's the difference?"

"Spagatini is a very thin noodle. Spaghetti is a relatively fat noodle. We've been over this!"

"I forgot!"

"I mean, why did we even take a pasta class together?!"

Our scene was interrupted by Sikowitz yelling done, which left Beck and I really confused.

"We're done?"

"But, we still have a few more lines."

Apparently he only interrupted us to announce that he successfully shook his jar of cream until it became butter...then threw it away saying he doesn't eat dairy. As Beck and I were sent to our seats, he asked me what we were all thinking.

"If he doesn't eat dairy, why would he-"

"Hell if I know, does his coconut milk count as dairy?"

Sikowitz announced to us the leads of his one act play, which were Andre and Robbie.


"Hot beef!"

We all looked at Robbie due to his strange response, while Rex began begging someone else to be his guardian. The rest of the class was assigned to backstage jobs, me being assigned to lighting with Jade and Cat. This should be fun....

It was the day of the plays first public performance and Jade, Cat, and I were checking the light set up

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It was the day of the plays first public performance and Jade, Cat, and I were checking the light set up. I was hanging onto the ladder while Jade was working on the stage light. Sikowitz came out yelling.

"Okay everyone! We have 20 minutes before our play begins, where is my coconut milk?"

I rolled my eyes at the sight of him drinking from his furry fruit.

"You're drinking it!"

"So am I."

He rushed away to check on other things, while I turned my attention to Jade yelling to Cat.

"Cat, don't turn on 21."

"Don't what?"

"Turn on 21."

I suddenly felt this impending sense of doom and immediately began to yell at Cat, but it was too late. The little twit turned on the light, thus electrocuting Jade. I yelled to Cat when Jade stopped fizzing.

"Cat! You just Frankensteined Jade!"

"I'm sorry!"

I helped Jade down from the latter and we went up to the catwalk to get on with life. Sikowitz began yelling for the special effects crew to do one last check before the performance. After all the lights and sounds were good to go, he turned to Tori.

"Next, um, Tori, let's see the tornado."

"Full on?"

"Full on, blow me away."

He got nothing but cricket chirps after that crummy joke.

"Just turn it on."

What should have been the simplest of tasks, she managed to fuck up. When she turned it on, she had on suck rather then blow. Beck immediately saw her mistake and we all began to scream at her.

"You're in reverse!"

"Tori, turn it off!"

"I know, I know, I know!"

While she failed like an idiot, Robbie's hideous muppet got sucked into the machine. When she finally got it turned off, we all looked at her in shock. Cue this moment for Robbie to choose to come out, while telling us his shirt is a bit big. Beck tried standing in front of the machine to hide it from Robbie, but it was too late.

"Where's Rex?"

I know that this was a really bad situation, but I found it interesting that Tori sucks instead of blows...

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