Chapter 1

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It's a quiet chilly morning in the town of Gravesfield, Connecticut. The autumn leaves falling, the soft wind flowing and the warm sun flourishing in the sky. All of which was admired by the young girl sitting atop the windowsill looking out into the vast beauty of the Human Realm.

"Vee! Breakfast!"

The girl glanced back towards her opened bedroom door.

"Ok, I'll be right there," she replied before turning back to the wondrous view.

It felt so surreal to her. All she knew before her journey through the portal was the dark gloomy cesspool of the Demon Realm. Now she was here, in a world of light, joy and even lovable.

She sighed as she knew she couldn't keep her caretaker waiting. She hopped down from her spot and worked her way out of her room downstairs to the kitchen.

As she entered, she watched as Camila Noceda turned around and greeted her with a smile. Vee returned to favor with a smile of her own.

"Morning Mrs. Noceda," she stated as she sat down at the table and began eating her breakfast.

"Oh, Vee, you don't always have to call me Mrs. Noceda," Camila replied. "You can call me Camila if you want."

"Oh, ok... Camila," Vee quickly answered as the veterinarian sat down across from her.

"So... are you... excited for school today?" Camila asked in curiosity.

Vee's eyes lit up as she began a rant.

"Oh yes! Today each class is going to be jam packed with activities. First, we start our fitness exams for gym class. Then we're going to be watching a movie for history class. After that, I get to start up a book written by... Shakespeare? He's a famous author in the Human Realm right?"

Camila let out a chuckle as her eyes drifted away from her "daughter's" face.

"Yes," she replied. "Shakespeare is quite famous here. But, it definitely sounds like you have a busy day."

"Yeah, I love it!" Vee cheered as her face just glowed with joy.

The shapeshifting basilisks then also glanced away from the person across from them. She began to rub her arm in nervousness.

"Thank you... by the way... for letting me continue going to school."

"Oh, of course, Vee," Camila quickly responded. "I know how much you enjoy it, and I'm not going to take that away from you."

Vee smiled as her eyes returned to her caretaker for a second before glancing down at the table.

"Thank you..."

Suddenly, an alarm went off. Vee quickly looked down at her watch and saw the time.

"Oh! I gotta go! Don't want to miss the bus!" the girl then quickly grabbed her backpack and ran towards the door.

"Thank you so much for breakfast, Mrs. Noce... I mean Camila! See you after school bye!" Camila held a smile as she watched the girl close the door and bolt for the street as the bus arrived on cue.

The woman stood up from her chair as she watched the girl hop on the bus, which then drove off down the street into the morning distance.

Camila let out a soft sigh as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Have a wonderful day... mija..."

Later at school.

"Hey, Luz!"

Vee smiled as she sat down next to her friends in the bleachers as they waited for gym class to start.

"Hey guys!" Vee began as she had now switched to Luz's voice. "How was your weekend?"

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