Chapter 14

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The woods were quiet for only a moment before being interrupted by the sudden wind, a whistling bird then a scurrying basilisk.

Vee was still in Luz's form, preferring to stay human to save on magic, but she was sprinting at top speed as her hunt for the creature was on.

She had picked up the thing's scent and now all she had to do was catch up to it. Fortunately for her, it was still in the forest, which was just what Vee wanted.

The basilisk felt herself fly over the terrain as she landed just in front of a tree and began to scan the area. She sniffed once more to confirm her suspicion.

The creature was close, very close.

"Come on out!" Vee shouted as she slowly walked towards the source of the scent. "I'm not afraid of you anymore!"

At first there was no response, as if nothing present in the basilisk's vicinity. But with a sudden growl, the creature showed itself.

It nearly caught Vee off-guard by its speed and ferocity, but only for a moment. As the creature leaped towards her, Vee reached out and slowly transformed. When she grabbed the creature, her weak nerd arms were now strong scaly forelimbs.

Her cute perky face was now a vicious reptilian countenance. Her small skinny legs were now a thick fearsome tail. She was now back in her basilisk form and was ready to use it to her full advantage.

She wanted the pinned down creature to look at her and feel fear. Fear for what it did and for what Vee could do to it right there and then.

The basilisk felt her nose twitching like crazy. She could practically taste the magic from the creature. But she knew how to make the feeling a reality.

She slowly began to open her mouth, which slowly began to suck the magic that was from the dog-like creature. However, Vee slowly closed her mouth back up as a nagging thought came into her mind.

"Why was this so easy?"

Vee then got up and let the creature return to its feet. It then gave the basilisk an intense demonic bark and began to circle her. Vee meanwhile slowly reverted back to her form of Luz and just stared at the creature.

Whatever type of dog it was, the magic had definitely altered it severely. It's brown fur was ragged like a bear. It's teeth were as long and sharp as a cougar's. It's paws were practically werewolf-like.

But what kind of confused Vee were its ears. They were long and flappy, like that baby elephant in that movie she saw a few weeks prior.

Probably from when the creature was just a dog, before the magic turned into...

Vee shook the thought out of her head.

She couldn't think of what it once was. This creature hurt her friend, clearly could smell magic and went after anything with the scent.

At least, here and there...

Vee shook her head once again.

She couldn't think about that. She had to fight this creature. Truly earn a win. She couldn't just go into basilisk form and take it out easily. Not after how easy it's been for her. How it was so easy to slip into the Human Realm. How it was so easy to just become Luz. How it was so easy to find friends and a mother who cared for her.


The basilisk whipped her head around to the familiarity of the voice in the distance.


Vee's attention was quickly returned to the demonic dog who had pounced towards her and actually pinned her down. Vee however was able to slip her way out of the creature's hold on her and turned the tables.

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