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"You're no good for me darling"

Alex's POV
I was finally back in New York but Tom had to stay in England for a little while longer. He said he should be flying down here on the 8th so I only had to sleep tonight without him.

I was currently playing with my dog Toulouse. I fell over and he jumped on me licking my face. "Ok ok you win! Toulouse you win!!" He continued licking me and I started laughing even harder.

I heard my phone ring but I didn't know where it was. I picked Toulouse up and walked around my living room trying to find it. "Toulouse where's my phone? Go find it" I put him down and he ran to the couch.

I walked over to the couch and shoved my hand in between the cushions until I grabbed my phone. "Thanks Toulouse! Unknown caller?" I furrowed my brows but answered.

"Hello?" "Hi is this Alexia Valentino?" "May I ask who's speaking?" "Hi I'm Karen... Malcom's mom" I smiled "oh hi Karen" I heard let out a shaky breath "ma'am are you ok?" I sat down in my couch and waited till her breathing steady "I know you dated my son and I know you guys aren't together anymore but I just wanted to tell you that umm..." "what's wrong?" "Malcom he umm... he OD" I felt my heart sink.

"But yes ok though right? I mean the hospital fixed him right? And now you're going to put him in rehab right?" I heard her sniffle "I'm sorry Alexia but he was already dead" I felt frozen and my entire body tensed up. My eyes quickly filled with tears and my heart speed up.

I could breathe "Alexia are you still there?" I nodded but quickly realized she couldn't see me "yes, yea I'm still here... I just I just can't believe this is happening! Mac called me the other day to congratulate me on my album he sang at my benefit I just— "I know sweetie! I am so sorry, I just wanted to let you know before it got out. Alexia?" "Yes?" "Thank you for loving my son!" I couldn't hold my tears in anymore they just spilled out.

"He made it very easy" with that I don't know who but suddenly the phone hung up and I dropped it. I still felt very numb. Mac was gone? But how? He called me yesterday! We talked for an hour. I laid on the couch curled up and cried.

About 30 minutes after Karen called me my phone rang again. This time it was Tom calling to say goodnight. I didn't move a muscle I just watched the phone go off as Siri kept saying Babe black heart sparkle is calling.

He then switched to FaceTime but I still just let it ring. I continued on crying and turned over. Toulouse jumped on me and I held him. I kissed his little head and cried myself to sleep.


I woke up feeling uncomfortable. I had miscalls from Tom and Harley as well as my mom. I didn't bother calling instead I thought of Mac. I felt my eyes prick and then my phone rang.

This time I answered "Alex are you ok?" I looked at Tom but I didn't say anything "I just heard the news about— "don't, don't say it" he nodded "Alex I'm on my way, ok? Hey, Alex I love you ok" I nodded and I started crying again "I love you too Tom".

He hung up and then I dropped my phone. I didn't understand, why was all of this happening? Why was Mac taken from this world? Granted he and I only interacted 8 times after we broke up but I still love him.

He was the first boy that I had ever truly loved and I just assumed he was always going to be here. I felt a pain in my heart and I started crying again. I know Tom was going to get here as fast as he could but as rude as it might sound I didn't want him to come anymore. I wanted to be alone tonight.

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1,538,936 Likes  26,926 Comments

user: This is all you fault!!
user: If you hadn't broke up with him he would still be here!
user: We all know Alex cheated on Mac and then she left him literally hate her!

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