The Great Escape

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Cricket Pov

I woke up the next morning with a ray of sunshine beaming down on my face. I was in a bed. I gave myself a few seconds to for my vision to clear. Right then, there he was. Looking just as innocent. I cannot believe that I am here. Might as well enjoy it while I can before he wakes up. Black beater and basketball shorts. His long arms were folded behind his pillow execpt one. The free one was on my knee. My knee! That's right! Oh my God that's how I got here. The storm and the little stretch incident. God, how could you be such an idiot? Not only did I make such a fool of myself now I have to figure out how to explain where I was last night to Jay. I know he was looking for me. He knows my fear of thunderstorms and he makes it his duty to spend every one of them with me while I'm here. "Dammit. I'm screwed!" I looked quickly over to August. Hoping that I didn't wake him. How am I going to get out of this bed without waking him?

Knock. Knock. At the door was Nick. "Aye Aug...You better get up! He cracked the door. I quickly laid my head back down and closed my eyes as if I was sleep. "Aug I think People are looking for Cricket." At that moment both August and my eyes opened as wide as they would allow. "Shit!" I said. "Good morning beautiful." Escaped his lips. For a split second the wave of panic dispersed and that warm feeling came over me. "I Don't know what happened or what ya'll going to do about it but, figure it out fast love birds." He closed the door. "How is your knee?" He asked sitting up. "Did you sleep alright?" Over the feeling of shock and panic I was amazed that his first thought was me and my well being. "I did..." I paused. "Thank You. I felt a rush of a tingling sensation in my cheeks. Great. Now I'm Blushing and all he could do was smile. What is this boy doing to me?


"I know damn well she cant be alone. Last night was one of the biggest storms of the season. Where the hell could she be!" She would have ran straight to the house. God I pray that she is okay.


"Remember to stretch your knee outwards and keep your toes pointed throughout the whole turn ladies!" Madame Clarice instructed. Watching from across the hall I could see Cricket having trouble keeping her legs straight in her routine. "Brianna darling what is your problem today? You are one of the strong ones in the group. Push harder!" Boy this lady is a bitch.These are little girls man. She need to lay up. Thunder filled the air. I noticed Cricket favored her knee all evening the entire time since the storm started. I figure the storm wouldn't be over by the time class was over so I came to walk her back home with a Pancho and an umbrella. "My knee is bothering me Madame Clarice. Its stiffening up on me." Cricket called back. "Well did you stretch properly? You wouldn't have that problem if you had stretched properly!" The woman fired back. Just as I was fed up with this woman and ready to interrupt her class to drag her boujee RuPaul looking ass across the French Quarter."I did stretch properly! You watched me the whole time! If you had seen me mistakenly do wrong you would have instructed me in such manner as this! I'm trying my best Madame but I simply cant right now. I'm not Perfect! Just leave me the hell alone would you!" The whole class including me and that bitch stood in shock. That's my baby girl. Never take shit from no one. Madame cleared her throat. "Well, I believe that would be all for today. Class is dismissed.

All the girls walked out of class one by one whispering about what they had just witnessed. I over heard one little girl say "Brianna have some nerve talking to her like that. Madame will pull her solo by tomorrow. She cant dance the part anyways. She just said so herself." If these girls wasn't young and had parents that care about them I would have back hand the hell out the back of her head. I Looked back and Cricket hasn't left yet. Madame had her back towards the door with Cricket in front of her. The conversation was about 5 minutes long and as soon as Cricket attempted to exit I saw her wipe her her face as if she was crying. Now I was in an outrage.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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