Emily Dickinson

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(This chapter will be set to the second season of the series, so Emily is around her mid 20s.)

Emily's POV

Today was another day, another day less in this cruel and superficial world. Life is something monotonous, without changes, without news and without any inspiration.

I let out a sigh looking out the window of my room, sitting in the chair in front of my desk and with a blank sheet of paper for hours. Although in reality it could have been only a few minutes and that the overwhelming silence of my mind makes me believe that more time has passed than it actually has.

Lavinia: You're not going to believe who's back.- she says completely excited almost knocking down the door of my room to enter.

Emily: Who's back?- i ask setting the paper aside and giving her my full attention.

Lavinia: My best friend is back.- she shouts jumping excitedly in her place.

Emily: Since when do you have more friends than Jane, Abby, Abiah and Toshiaki.- I say laughing at her attitude.

Lavinia: First of all, that has offended me. - she claims me crossing her arms over her chest. -Second, I have more friends apart from those weirdos and third; you are the one who only has one friend: Sue.- She lists looking at me with narrowed eyes.

Emily: Okay now i'm the one that is ofended.- i say loking at her with narrowed eyes.

Lavinia: Whatever, you're not going to spil the emotion of my moment.- she assures me pointing to me.

Emily: Okey. - i say raising my hands in the air with innocence. -Can you tell me who's back already?- i asked, slightly interested.

Lavinia: Y/n Harvard is back.- she shouts full of emotion.

Emily: Harvard like the university of Massachusetts?- i ask slightly confused.

Lavinia: Yes, her great- greatgranfather was the main founder of the university and thats why she moved to Cambridge back 13 years ago.- she answers me and I open my eyes in surprise.

Emily: Wow that's impresive.- i say and she nods her head. –But why they had to move there?- i ask confuse, since I don't see a clear reason to move there and now return to Amherts after thirteen years.

Lavinia: They moved because her grandfather died and her father had to occupy the position of director at the university.- she answers me and I nod without being entirely sure.

Emily: And why she is back now?- i ask still unsure.

Lavinia: From what Maggie has told me, her maid has told her that they have come to fix some things in the house and the family land.- she answers me and I nod in understanding.

Emily: And why aren't you with her now? - Confused question. -If they've come back for things around the house, it means they won't stay long and you should take advantage of it.- I explain and she smiles full of emotion.

Lavinia: That's because mom has talked to Y/n's mother and has invited them to have dinner with us.- She replies, jumping back on the spot. -So I need you to behave, don't do anything strange and don't say any of your poetic reflections.- she orders me pointing her finger at me.

Emily: And what if I just don't go down to dinner? - I ask hopefully.

I'm hoping she'll let me stay in my room, writing and waiting for the dead to show up so I can have an intellectual conversation with him. Because I don't like it very much when there are people at home and less when I don't know those people. Y/n may have been Lavinia's best friend, but I don't remember her and we may not have even exchanged words in the past.

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