Emily Junk

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Y/n's POV

This was the end. What I have known for two years will disappear and cease to exist. After Amy showed her vagina to the president, the dean has decided he doesn't want the Barden Bellas to exist anymore and has banned us from auditioning.

This will be the end for the Bellas. I personally haven't taken it as bad as other people, like Chloe who had been crying all day since the news. But that doesn't mean that it did not hurt, the Bellas have been my family for the last two years and I've been a part of them since my first day of college.

My older sister, who is part of the Bellas, encouraged me to study at Barden with her and join the a cappella group with her. The truth is that when Beca told me that she was in an a cappella group, I couldn't believe it.

I mean, my goth, antisocial sister being part of a group of girls who sing. The first thing I did when she told me about it was laugh, thinking that she was playing a joke on me and I wasn't going to fall for another one of her jokes.

But it turned out that it was true, that she was in the only all-female a cappella group in Barden and that she was enjoying it. She even told me that dad was supporting her participation in the group.

Which is not surprising to me, since when he left our mother and moved out, he has tried to get closer to us in recent years. Beca has always been more reluctant to accept our father, I think the divorce of our parents hurt her more than me, and the fact that our father has rebuilt his life quite quickly after the divorce hurt her even more.

I was eight by the time, so my attention was on games and cartoons at the moment. While Beca was already 10 years old and about to enter her pre-adolescence phase. 

In addition Beca was closer to dad before he left us, while I was closer to mom and that's why when he tried to have a closer relationship with me; I didn't care much. And he pays for mi college so...

But back to the main topic. When I graduated from high school, I enrolled at Barden University with my father's help to study architecture and on my first day I auditioned to be part of the Bellas.

It was more than clear that they eould accepted me since I have a good voice and because i'm the little sister of Beca Mitchell. Even though we are sisters, we are not very similar.

The only thing we have in common are our blue eyes and brown hair. Although Beca's eyes are a bit darker than mine. I'm 1.73 so I'm 16 centimeters taller than her. Which is funny since she is the older sister and because of our height and personality differences no one believes we are related.

Flo: For your hairy situation.- I listen as she reads and I look up from the letter I'm reading, to see her with a box of shaving blades in her hand and a confused look. -Oh.- she says realizing it and I laugh at her gesture.

Chloe: Very well, we are officially registered in the competition.- She tells us with a huge smile. –So renew the passports, because we are going to the sunny and fabulous Copenhagen! - exclaims completely excited.

Stacie: Yes!.- she celebrates by giving me and Amy a high-five .

Amy: Where is that? - asks confused and I look at her as if she were stupid.

Chloe: I don't know, I failed geography.- she answers shrugging her shoulders.

Y/n: It's the capital of Denmark.- I answer earning confused looks from the girls. –Is it in Europe, below Sweden and above Germany? - I ask to see if they are located. -Leave it.- I give up when I see that no one knows what I'm talking about.

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