Emily Dickinson 3

758 41 5

Y/n's POV

It's been two days since dinner and I think Emily is avoiding me at all costs. I don't know what I have done at some point without realizing it or if something has bothered her about my presence to avoid me.

I don't really understand her situation or I don't see a logical reason for her indifference towards me. Lavinia has been glued to me almost 24 hours a day both days and I have hardly had time to be alone with myself. It's not that I dislike spending so much time with her, since I've missed her and I don't have many friends in Massachusetts.

Sue has even come over to my house once, where we spent hours talking to catch up and reminisce about old times. In fact, right now I'm arriving at Austin and Sue 's house, since the latter has invited me to a small meeting that they will have there.

So with nothing better to do, I had accepted the offer and dressed in a short-sleeved plain burgundy red dress with a slight neckline that accentuates my breasts. The fabric of the dress shone as if the color red was alive and today I had decided to wear my half up. I had combed my hair in a different way, deciding to tie the top part of my hair into two braids that meet at the back of my head and the rest of my hair loose; leaving my soft waves in the air.

I knock on the door with a little force, when I hear the noise and the commotion from inside the house. It's not long before the door opens and an oddly pleased Austin opens the door to the house.

Austin: Y/n you're finally here.- he greets me energetically, opening the door wider and giving me a step into his house. - We thought you wouldn't come anymore. - he assures me closing the door behind my back.

Y/n: Wasn't this supposed to be a small meeting?- I ask amusedly, starting to take off my thin coat and leaving it in his outstretched hand.

Austin: It's a Suare friend of mine, it's not a meeting or a party.- He answers me amused, putting his arm around my shoulders and heading towards somewhere in the house.

Y/n: That's a lie.- I deny amused, letting myself go. -A suaré is practically a definition of a party.- I point out and he laughs in response.

Austin: Oops.- He feigns innocence with an amused little smile. - Everyone 's here anyway , Sue wanted to hide it from you and it turns out this is your welcome party.- he assures me and I look at him wide-eyed.

Y/n: No, I refuse.- I say and try to escape.

Austin: But what little desire for protagonism.- He laughs making his grip on my older shoulder. -This is your night and as far as I can remember before you loved being the center of attention.- he points out and I shake my head, still trying to escape.

Y/n: Yes, when I was 9 years old and I wasn't a single 23-year-old who preferred studying to marriage.- I remind him and he just laughs in response.

Austin: Ladies and Gentlemen, the guest of honor has arrived ! - he shouts as he enters the room, before I can react and cover his mouth so that he doesn't attract the attention of the guests.

I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment as everyone at the party falls silent and turns their attention to me. I bite my lip a little awkwardly, making a small wave of my hand in greeting and praying that's enough to get them back to what they were doing before I arrived.

Sue : Welcome Y/nn.- she greets me excitedly, hugging me by the neck and separating me from her husband. –I thought you weren't going to arrive.- she tells me when we separate from the hug.

Y/n: Yes, well, if I had known that this was a trap and that you wanted to give me a welcome party; that would have been what would have happened.- I assure her a bit uncomfortable, still feeling several looks on me and not being able to avoid the heat flooding my cheeks.

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