Arise The Red Dragon

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Someone called out
-H,Help! Somebody help me!

The lady's foot was stuck between the rocks,she called out for help desperately.She looked up and a big rock is falling on top of her.She gave up and closed her eyes waiting for the rock to fall.


A sudden hand reached out,aiming on the falling rocks.The rocks were surrounded by a shield,the shield were red colour with white wings surrounding the shield.It looked divine from afar.Choi Han's group was mesmerize by the shield.Alberu who was familiar with the shield,turn around.

It was Cale's shield.Cale who was wearing his stoic face just groans.

The young black dragon called out

Rosalyn who was amazed by the shield just turn toward Cale and smiled.

-Remove the rocks from her feet?
Cale asked

Choi Han snapped to reality and run towards the lady to remove the rocks from her feet.

Alberu chuckled quietly,but Cale heard him.He turns his head towards Alberu and curse him in his mind.

Alberu's thoughts
You said you don't want to help people but only scout the area.You never change clearly.

Alberu who smiled when he thinks about the old days,he command the guards to investigate the area.

-Investigate the area and find the intruder.
Alberu command

The guards ran outside to find the intruder,some stayed with Alberu to guard his safety.

-Thank you!Thank you!
The lady thanked Cale and politely bow to him.She smiled and walked to the healer's who came just a second ago.

Sigh.Cale sighed and thought about what he did just now.

Cale's thoughts
What did I just do.I interfere just now.I didn't want to interfere in the first place.Aigo.

Cale could only sigh.He forgot about the siblings.He scan the area and the siblings were with Raon.He nodded with satisfaction.

But, something is bugging him right now.

Whisper's could be heard around the area.Example.

-Is that a dragon?
-His highness have another treasure?
-Another dragon!
-How surprising
-Thats unexpected
-RED dragon??!
-They didn't die yet?
-Raon Kingdom can go far

Dizzyness filled Cale's head.

Cale's thoughts
It wasn't supposed to be like this.This is giving me a headache.


Cale who heard his name turned towards the voice.
Alberu gesture Cale to go somewhere quiet.Cale thought about it,eventually Cale listened and followed Alberu.

-This wasn't your plan right?
Alberu asked


-Thats right
Cale respond

. . .


. . .

-What for, your highness

. . .

-... Ruining your plan to keep your appearance secret.

. . .

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