Chapter 24: Sunday Break

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"Hey Naya, want to accompany me for a meeting and go run some errands with me later?" Chris asked Shania in the middle of breakfast. "Am I allowed to?" Shania asked in response while looking at Papa and Mama Lee. "It's Sunday. You're not grounded. Chris asked you. Of course you can go," Papa Lee replied using his fingers to to indicate the three reasons why she's allowed to go.

Shania gave out a huge grin and looked at her brother, "yay! Of course I'll go with you!"

"I have a quick call after breakfast but we should be able to leave the house in 2 hours. Before we go, I want you to complete all your homework from Colin. I'll be checking them," Chris told Shania. "Yessir!" Shania replied with a salute causing the whole family to laugh at her antics.

An Hour Later

"Hey Naya, how's your progress?" Chris asked as he entered Shania's study. "I've completed the Biology and Geometry worksheets but I'm stuck on Algebra, I don't know how to do them," Shania replied with a look of frustration.

"Here, let me see if I can help," Chris took a seat beside Shania and went through it with her. Chris took the time to patiently teach his sister the formulae and simplified them for her.

"Oh! I finally get it now!"
"You just have to memorize this formula and practice more. It's not that hard, right?"
"Thank you for teaching me, Chris! I was getting so frustrated."
"Thank you for asking for help instead of hiding or lying about this worksheet. Go get changed and we'll leave in 10 minutes," Chris messed up his sister's hair and pinched her cheek.

In The Car

Chris put on a pair of tan pants with a white linen button up with the long sleeves folded up to arms and loafers. Shania wore a yellow sun dress with white superstars. Seeing what his sister was wearing as he was walking out of his room on level two, Chris went back to his room and grabbed a casual blazer that he could wear and be prepared. He knows Shania is going to complain about feeling cold in the mall.

Chris decided to have Peter, one of the family chauffeur, drive them in their Alphard instead of driving by himself.

Shania entered the car first and sat in the captain seat behind Peter while Chris took the other captain seat beside her (in both Singapore and Indonesia, the driver seat is on the right side and pedestrians are on the left side of the road). Shania put on her AirPods and was about to shut the world when Chris gently grabbed the AirPods in her left ear and reminded her, "what did Papa say about using your AirPods in the car?"

There's a rule that Papa Lee has placed about not using AirPods or headphones in the car. Besides the fact that it's for safety reasons, Papa Lee also wanted to be able to communicate during commute.

"You can bluetooth your music to the sound system, we can enjoy the music together instead of you enjoying it by yourself," Chris told Shania as he configured the sound system to turn the bluetooth on and then stretched his hand out for Shania to pass him the other AirPods and the case and kept it for her.

The journey took over an hour thanks to the notorious Jakarta traffic. Chris had to wake his sister up to let her know that they've arrived at the mall. They were going to a cafe inside the mall to meet Chris's old friends, Judy and Fen.

In the cafe, Judy and Fen were already waiting. The two ladies are Chris's juniors in high school.

"Chris! Long time no see! Thank you for agreeing to meet us here!" Judy exclaimed while giving Chris a left and right cheek kiss. "Oh my! Naya! Last time I met you, you were tiny!" Judy said as she hugged her.

Judy has always had a crush on Chris and everyone knows it. Shania didn't like her because she didn't want to share her brother with anyone else. She didn't like the idea of her brother dating, despite the fact that he's old enough to do whatever he pleases. In fact, Judy once asked Chris to be her boyfriend but it seems like Chris rejected her before leaving for Singapore.

"Why didn't you tell me that we're meeting her?" Shania whispered as she tugged Chris's sleeve for him to lean close. "Be nice," was all Chris said.

The three of them updated each other about their lives making Shania bored and listless as she sat beside her brother. After drinking her second strawberry milkshake, Shania excused herself from the table to go to the washroom. Since the washroom was outside the cafe and within the mall, she decided to walk around and window shop instead of going back to the cafe immediately.

She was looking at some clothes when someone grabbed her arm and gave her a tight hug. "Naya! I swear if you dare scare me like this again, you're going to get it from me!" Chris said as he embraced his sister. 

Apparently, Shania has been walking around in the mall for more than 40 minutes by herself. Chris went into a frantic because she didn't return to the cafe and she left her handphone with him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't keep track of time. I didn't mean to," Shania felt scared after realizing that she could've been in danger. Seeing his sister frightened, Chris took off his blazer and put it on her and carried her. 

Judy and Fen caught up with the siblings and Chris decided that they're calling it a day and would meet next time.

At Home

Upon reaching home, Chris ordered Shania to meet him in his room after she shower and get dressed.

She did as she was instructed and knocked on Chris's door.

"Come in."
Shania walked to Chris who was seated in his office (Chris's office is an area separated by glass walls inside of his bedroom).
"I know you were frustrated and bored in the cafe, but do you think it's okay for you to be roaming around the mall without letting me know?"
"No, Sir," tears were forming in Shania's eyes.
"Do you know how dangerous that was? You could've been kidnapped! We're in Jakarta now, not Singapore. Plus you're aware of how our status makes you more vulnerable for that to happen!" Chris scolded his now crying sister.

"I'm going to give you 14 from my belt to remind you of this and after that you'll write 200 lines of 'I will not wander by myself without letting anyone know'," Chris laid out the punishments. 

Chris stood up and walked towards his sister while taking the belt off the waist of his pants. "I'm sorry, I won't do it ever again! Please don't use the belt," begged Shania.

"Take off your pants. Bend over and hold the table," instructed Chris.
"Chrisss, pleaseee. I'm sorryyy," whined Shania.
"I'm counting to 5," warned Chris.
"Noooo," Shania begged as she kept trying to step back to keep a distance.
"4." Shania was still taking steps back as he walks towards her.
"1." Chris swiftly grabbed Shania. He put one of his foot on a nearby chair and draped Shania over it with her stomach on his thigh. He pulled Shania's shorts down and tossed it on the floor leaving Shania only with her panties on.

Chris spanked her with his hands. He was spanking her hard and Shania was squirming and shouting for Chris to stop but he just continued on.

"I'll stop spanking if you stop moving and shouting," Chris scolded.
Shania squirmed away from his grip and fell to the floor. She tried crawling away but Chris caught her by her ear and pulled her up to stand causing her to shout in pain.

Chris pulled her to his table and said, "bend over!". Shania did as she was told because Chris was still pulling her left ear and was controlling her directions. 

When Shania calmed down and was in position, Chris took the belt from the table.

"As usual, you are to stay in position and count out loud. Missing a count or moving away from position means the count starts all over. Do you understand?"
"Ye ..yes, Sir."

Chris showed no mercy with the belt. He whipped Shania hard and Shania was whimpering and sobbing throughout the punishment. Since she only had her panties on during the punishment, it was almost like she was punished bare bottom since her panties did not give her any protection. Shania ended up receiving 19 strokes with the belt because she moved after the first 5 strokes. 

"Now I want you to sit here and start writing you lines. You have about 2 hours until dinner time and I want you to be done by then," Chris placed a stack of lined paper and pencils in front of Shania.

"Also, remember to sleep early tonight. You're starting morning PE with me at 5am tomorrow," reminded Chris as he picked up his Kindle and sat in front of Shania who was squirming in her seat in pain and has to write 200 lines. 

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