Chapter 6: The Bad Word

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Shania woke up feeling really hungry so she headed straight to the dining table. She saw that Chris was already there sipping his morning coffee and reading the news on his iPad. 

"Good morning Naya," greeted Chris.
"Good morning Chris," Shania greeted back.

Shania sat on the table, grabbed a croissant with her left hand and scooped some scrambled eggs with her right hand wanting to quickly construct a sandwich. In her haste, she hit and toppled the glass of water that Tina has prepared for her and made a mess.

"Oh fuck," blurted Shania. As soon as the words left her lips, she realized that she just used a bad word in front of her brother and gasped.
"I heard that," Chris said glaring at his sister.
"Grab some kitchen towels from the kitchen and clean this mess up," Chris continued.
Shania scurried to the kitchen and Tina came out with her to help her clean the spill.

After the spill was somewhat contained, Shania meekly took whatever food she had on her plate and started to eat while trying to not make eye contact with Chris. 

"Stop eating and come with me," Chris said sharply.
"But I'm really hungry, can I please finish my breakfast first?" Asked Shania.
Chris just stared angrily at her which made Shania sighed as she drooped her shoulders and followed her brother to his bedroom.

Chris went to his en-suite bathroom and took out a new bar of soap from the cabinet and proceeded to lather it under the tap. Seeing this, Shania started whining and stomping her feet outside his bathroom.

"Get in here now," ordered Chris.
"I'm really sorry, please don't," begged Shania.
"Don't make me come out and drag you in," Chris said sternly.

Still whining, Shania inched her way into the bathroom which made Chris reach out and pull her closer to him by her arm.

"Do you know why I'm going to punish you?" Asked Chris.
"Because I said a bad word," replied Shania with tears forming in her eyes.
"Okay, now, put your hands behind you and open your mouth," ordered Chris.
Tears started falling and Shania kept whining hoping that Chris would let her off.
"One.." Counted Chris.
"I don't want that, please.." Begged Shania.
"Don't make me force this bar of soap into your mouth now. Two.." Continued Chris.
"Pleaseee don't.." Shania cried.
"Three!" Chris raised his voice still waiting for his sister to follow his command.

When Shania didn't budge and Chris has counted to three, Chris proceeded to secure her hands to her back with his left hand and pushing the bar of soap to her lips with his right. Shania was clenching her jaws tight and not letting the bar of soap enter her mouth. She cried, struggled and shook her head left and right. Chris calmly put the soap down and rinsed his soapy hand while still holding on to his sister.

Shania took time to catch her breath and thought that he gave up. When Chris's hand was no longer soapy, he grabbed Shania by her cheeks and made her look at him.

"I'm warning you. Stand straight with your hands behind your back and. Open. Your. Mouth. Or else I would slap you and spank you and then we can continue soaping your mouth." Warned Chris.

Shania did not want to get spanked. She opened her mouth as tears are falling off her cheeks.

Chris picked up the bar of soap and rammed it into her opened mouth. He twisted and turned the soap making sure that her entire mouth was soaped. Shania started gagging but it did not deter Chris.

"Bite down," Chris told his sister.
With tears rolling down her cheeks and soapy saliva drooling all over, Shania bit the bar of soap and held it in place.

Chris took his time to wash and dry his hands. When he was done, he took a good look at his sister and took a hair tie to tie up her messy hair.

"Take out the bar of soap and spit out whatever saliva you have without rinsing your mouth," instructed Chris when he was done tieing up her hair. Shania did as instructed while still crying silently.

"Bend over," Chris instructed Shania as he pointed to his bathtub.
"But you've already soaped my mouth!" Shania protested.
"I said bend over!" Yelled Chris as he grabbed his sister's ear and made her go in position.
"Oww!" Shania cried.
"Okay, you're getting one swat for each year of your age, count out loud. Understood?" Chris asked his sister as he grabbed a hairbrush from his drawer.
Shania nodded.
"Use your words, Naya," reminded Chris as he smacked her bottom.
"Understood," replied Naya.
Chris smacked her bottom one more time.
"Understood, sir." Shania corrected herself.

"Okay, now start counting,"
"One," cried Shania.
"Oww! Twooo."
"Threeee. Owww.."
"Ow! Four."
"Six! Wait wait wait please," cried Shania as she grabbed her bottom.
"Get back in position!" Roared Chris as he yanked her arms which made her cry out.
"Don't move or we're going back to one," He ordered.
"Sevennnn." Shania was sobbing and choking up.
"Oww... Eiiiight."
"Tennn ..oww"
"Oww ..Eleven."
"OWW!! Fourteen." The last smack was the hardest and it made Shania jump.

"Stand up and tell me again why we're doing this right now," instructed Chris as he put the hairbrush back in the drawer.
"Because I used a bad word," replied Shania uncomfortably as her mouth was still soapy.
"Am I going to have to soap your mouth and spank you again?" Asked Chris.
Shania shook her head.
"Use your words, Naya," Chris said sternly.
"No," Shania replied quickly as she looked at her brother staring angrily at her.
"No sir," repeated Shania.
"Now rinse out your mouth and go finish up your breakfast," ordered Chris.

It finally dawned on Shania that Chris purposely made her stop eating her breakfast earlier so her punishment would be prolonged as her breakfast would taste soapy.

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