Chapter 5: Morning Rush Hour (Part 2)

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"Sit." Chris pointed to the couch as soon as the siblings arrive home. Shania knew better than to disobey Chris's command especially since he's still angry. By now, both siblings were exhausted from the day at it was past 9 pm.

Chris went to his room to wash up and cool himself down. He was aware that how he reacted throughout the day was out of anger rather than discipline. He decided to just let Shania get ready for bed.

When he went to the couch to get Shania, she was already curled up and asleep. Seeing her sleeping with a frown and puffy eyes, from all the crying earlier, broke his heart. He then lifted her up, carried her to her bed and proceeded to tuck her in. When he gave her forehead a kiss, Shania stirred and open her eyes. 

"I'm really sorry for today," whispered Shania.
"Shh, it's okay. Just sleep. I'm sorry about today too," replied Chris.

Chris turned off her room lights and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat as he realized that they've both missed dinner.

In the kitchen, Tina was already one step ahead and had dinner warmed up.

"Just something light for me, please," Chris said.
"I've prepared your favorite mushroom soup. Would you want me to toast some bread as well?" asked Tina.
"Yes please," grinned Chris.

"Do you think I'm too harsh on Naya?" Chris looked up and asked Tina as she was setting his dinner down.
"You were a teenager once yourself, and it wasn't that long ago. Maybe try to be more of a person that you needed at that age to her," replied Tina.
"Growing up, you had both of your parents' attention. Naya only has yours," continued Tina.
"We both have your attention too," added Chris.

Tina has been working for the Lee family for many years. She started out as Chris's nanny until he went to middle school, she stayed on in the Lee household and became Shania's nanny when she was born. When Chris and Shania were moving to Singapore, it was a no-brainer to the Lees that Tina joined them too.

Before Chris went to his bedroom to retire for the night, he peeked into Shania's room to see that she hasn't moved an inch since he laid her down in bed earlier.

Author's Note: 
Sorry for the slow update guys! I'm writing this fluidly without having a plan. I really don't know where I'm going with this. I didn't know that I would even have readers! I'm currently working so I'm writing this in my limited free time. Thank you for the comments, support, and understanding. I really appreciate you! 

There's no punishment in this part, but there are TWO in the next update! Enjoy!

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