Chapter 14: Bad Mood

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It's Tuesday. It's another long day for Shania. Her schedule looks a little like this:

5.45 am - Wake up to get ready for school
7.15 am - School
2.15 pm - School dismissal
3.30 pm - Piano class (1 hour)
5.00 pm - Physics tuition (2 hours)
7.00 pm - Dinner
7.30 pm - Homework & reading
10.30 pm - Bedtime

She has very little time in between and she still needs to fit in a shower and commute time. Usually, toward the end of the day, she would be really irritated and grouchy. 

Chris came home just in time to join Shania for dinner. During the dinner, Shania only spoke when Chris asked her questions which pissed Chris off but he decided to ignore her attitude.

"Go to your room and get on with your homework if you're done eating," ordered Chris.
Without saying anything, Shania just put her fork down and left the table. She did not realize that her brother was glaring at her angrily.

Tina saw the exchange and she patted Chris's shoulders to calm him down, "just let her be, we both know it's been a long day for her". Chris turned to Tina and replied, "that attitude is a habit, just because she's had a long day does not mean that she can be a brat".

In Shania's room, she was looking through her bag and found out that she left her worksheet file, which contained the worksheet that she was supposed to do as homework, in her locker at school. She was frantic and frustrated. She knows that she's already treading on thin ice with her math teacher. 

In her frustration, she started tearing up. She knows that she's going to get yelled at by her math teacher, who is also going to call her brother up, who will then spank her at home. Shania took her bag, that did not contain her file, and threw it across the room which made a loud thud.

"Hey, what's wrong here?" Asked Chris, who heard the thud just as he was walking towards his bedroom. Seeing all her books and papers strewn all over the floor, he started seeing red and entered the room glaring at his crying sister.

"Leave me alone, Chris!" Shouted Shania with tears falling on her cheeks.
"Watch the attitude! Explain what is going on to me right now," Chris replied sternly.
Shania sat on her chair and did not reply. Which made Chris walk towards her and grab her by her arm to stand up.
"Pick everything off the floor. Now." Ordered Chris who was visibly angry.

Shania knew that disobeying her brother would land her into bigger trouble, but she was just not in the mood to do what he told her to. She sat back down as soon as Chris let go of her arm.

In one swoop, Chris grabbed Shania for a second time and put her across his knees and started spanking her. "Stop your attitude right now," Chris told his sister while spanking her bottom with his palm and grabbing her still with his free hand. Shania's cries turn into sobs and she was struggling to escape her brother's tight grip. "I'm sorry Chris! Please stop," begged Shania. 

Oddly enough, Chris stopped spanking her.

"Don't think this is over now," Chris told his sister while letting her stand up.
"Now go pick up all the things on the floor and put them on your desk," Chris pointed to the mess on the floor. 
Shania quickly did as she was told.
"No matter how bad your day went, it's not an excuse to be bratty and give everyone at home an attitude," scolded Chris as he watched his sister kneel to pick the things on the floor.
"It's not fair! Why am I being picked on?" Cried Shania while picking her things up.
"Hey, I'm not picking on you! You're the one who has been showing an attitude and you're the one who threw your bag and made this mess," replied Chris.
"I forgot my file in school and my homework is inside," Shania whined to her brother while sniffling.
"It's still not a good reason to be throwing a tantrum," Chris said.
"But I'm not throwing a tantrum!" Shouted Shania.
"How do you explain this mess and this shouting then?" Asked Chris.
Shania dropped her shoulders and whined.

"Hurry up, I know you still have homework and reading to do. We're also not done with your spanking," Chris spoke so calmly yet it shocked Shania.
"No, Chris! I'm sorry, I'll be good! Please don't spank me anymore," begged Shania who is still in tears.
Chris just glared at his sister and she knows that he is serious. She quickly put all the things she picked on her study table.

"Bend over your bed," Chris instructed while pointing to Shania's bed.
"I'm sorry! No more, please," Shania begged while clasping her palms together in front of her.
"One," counted Chris.
Shania shuffled but still didn't move.
He unbuckled his leather belt and folded it into two. Seeing his belt coming off the loops of her brother's pants, Shania started whining more, "please please please not the belt!"
"Two," Chris continued.
"I'm sorry, please," whined Shania.
Chris ended his count and grabbed his sister. He shoved her to the edge of her bed and warned her to stay still.

"I'm going to whack you 14 times, one for every year of your age. Pull down your sweats now," Chris ordered his sister.

"No, please. Let me have my sweats on," bargained Shania.
Chris immediately pulled his sister's sweats down to her knees.
Shania tried pulling her sweats back up but Chris used the belt to whack her thigh.
"Oww!" Shania cried.
"I told you to stay still! That swat was not counted. Remember to count every whack out loud. If you miscount it or move, we'll start all over. Do you understand me?" Warned Chris.
"Yes," whimpered Shania.

*WHACK* "Ow! One!"
*WHACK* "Two."
*WHACK* "Owww!!" Shania stood up and grabbed her burning ass.

"What did I warn you earlier? We are starting all over," Chris scolded.
"No! I'm sorry! Can we just continue?" Begged Shania.
"Make sure you start counting from one," ignored Chris.

*WHACK* "One."
*WHACK* "Two."
*WHACK* "Ah!! Three."
*WHACK* "Ow! Four!"
At this point, Shania was choking as she tried to catch her breath while sobbing.
*WHACK* "Five."
*WHACK* "Oww!! Six!"
*WHACK* "Seven! Wait wait wait! Ahhh!"
"Stay still!"
*WHACK* "Eight! No! Please no more!!"
*WHACK* "Nine! Oww!!"
*WHACK* "Ten!"
*WHACK* "Eleven! Ah!!!"
*WHACK* "Twelve. Oww!!"
*WHACK* "Thirteen!"
*WHACK* "Fourteen."

Chris put down his belt and rubbed Shania's back. Shania was sobbing inconsolably. She was trying her best to catch her breath but she was choking in between sobs. Chris pulled Shania to his knees and she koala hugged him. Chris continuously rubbed his sister's back to calm her down.

"Hey, you're alright. It's now over," Chris consoled his sister.
"I'm sorry," Shania replied.

She continued in that position and rubbed her wet cheeks on her brother's shoulder.

"Are you ready to continue with whatever assignments you have to do?" Asked Chris when he hears that his sister's breathing has stabilized.
Shania nodded.
"Use your words, Naya," reminded Chris.
"Yes, sir," Shania quickly corrected herself.

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