The lily of the water

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Kitty's pov
Me, Kim and Noi set out to look for the lily of the water and after a few hours we came across a swamp which meant that we were on the right path.

"How much longer till we find the lily of the water?" Noi whined

"Don't worry Noi, we can't be that far now. Kitty can't you sniff out the lily of the water since your part wolf?" Kim asked.

"I can only sniff out things if I already know the scent of the object we're looking for but I don't know the scent of the lily of the water, sorry."

"We've been walking for hours and still haven't found the lily of the water, plus swamps make me feel unsafe." Noi whined again.

"Is that it?" Kim pointed to a lily of the water.

"No, thats a white one, the book showed a pink one." I told Kim

"Please can we take a snack break girls?" Noi asked

"I mean we don't know how long it will take to find the gem but we all are hungry and need a break so yeah." I said to Kim and Noi.

Kim set out the picnic blanket and some food and we all sat down and ate some. Noi ate cookies, Kim ate carrots that Mac gave her and I ate a chocolate bar. (In my au werewolves can eat chocolate without getting sick)

After that we got up and started looking for the lily of the water again. After what felt like 2 hours (it was actually 30 minutes) we found a pond that was full of lilies of the water.

We scanned all of them and Noi spotted a pink one in the middle of all of them.

"Kitty look, there is a pink lily of the water in the middle of the pond." Noi pointed to a pink lily of the water.

"Thats great Noi, but how are we going to get over to it?" Kim asked

I took my bag off and looked through it to find a container that I had packed in there, I found it at the bottom of my bag.

"Kitty, how are we going to get it with a container?" Kim asked.

I stayed silent and took off the lid of the container, then I used my magic to teleport the lily of the water into the containee. It succeded and I put the lid of the container back on.

"Got it." I said happily.

I put the container back in my bag.

"I forgot you can use magic." Noi said.

I then got my phone out and texted Zane and Mac to tell them we found the lily of the water.

They were both happy and Zane told us to go back to the hub.

We made our way back to the hub then went to Kim's house. We placed the lily of the water on the table then started talking about what is better, anime or comics. Noi said that comics are better but me and Kim said that anime is better so yeah we were agruing about that for a while.

Hope you enjoyed
Bye kittens

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