The wish stone

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Mac's pov
Me, Ein and Pierce are looking for the wish stone, Kitty texted me telling me that her, Kim and Noi have the lily of the water.

I wasn't thinking about that, I was thinking about Krystal and how she could be destroying the hub, but I guess Kim, Noi, Kitty and Aaron can protect the hub if Krystal decides to do anything bad.

I was so lost in thought that I almost walked into a tree. I forgot that we were finding the wish stone.

"This forest is so creepy." Ein said.

"Don't worry Ein, we'll be fine as long as we all stay together." I said to comfort Ein.

Just then we all saw a glow in the distance, we followed the glow to where it was coming from and it led us to the wish stone.

"Ahh cool we found it!" Pierce said as he started to walk towards it.

I grabbed his arm before it exploded again. It wasn't a big explosion but if Pierce had walked any closer he would have got hit.

"We found the wish stone but it explodes every 10 minutes. How are we going to seal the explosions?" Ein asked.

"Not seal the explosions but stop the explosions."

We turned around to see who said that and it was Kiana.

"Kiana what are you doing here?" Pierce asked dumbfounded.

"I'm looking for a cure for Krystal and it led my to the wish stone, what are you guys doing here?" Kiana asked.

"Well we're here to cure Krystal too but we are having a problem with this wish stone." I explained.

"Well then I'm so glad we ran into each other, I know how to stop the explosions on the wish stone." Kiana said happily.

"But wait isn't the explosions on the wish stone a curse?" Ein asked confused.

"Yes but every curse has a cure and I just happen to know the cure for this one." Kiana pointed out.

Ein and Pierce had a shocked look on their faces.

"So how do we break this curse?" I asked curiously.

"I'm glad you asked we break this curse by having a creeper explode next to it." Kiana exclaimed.

Just then a creeper came from behind one of the trees. Kiana told us to get behind her as she led the creeper towards the wish stone when it exploded next to the wish stone.

The curse was broken so I went up to grab the wish stone being cautious. I texted Zane and Kitty saying me, Ein and Pierce have the wish stone and they both told me to go back to the hub.

So me, Ein, Pierce and Kiana made our way back to the hub, we then just started talking to Kitty, Kim and Noi while we wait for Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan and Kim to come back with the red gem.

Hope you enjoyed
Bye kittens

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