Dr. Delicate Touch Is In Session

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A huge ass explosion is set off in everyone's faces.

R!Leo: ... Whoops... *smiles sheepishly*

Donnie: ... Ugh. *sighs and just drags the broken invention away*

Cadence: O-kay then...

R!Leo: He wont be mad for long will he..?

Leo: No, don't worry. This happens alot.

R!Leo: Phew...

Cadence: Well then... while Donnie is fixing up his invention, we have a few dares for the Rise turtles from Yua_Hamato_2012 Yua_Hamato_2012

 while Donnie is fixing up his invention, we have a few dares for the Rise turtles from Yua_Hamato_2012 Yua_Hamato_2012

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R!Leo: Oh! Oh! Can I show mines off first? Can I? Can I!?

R!Raph: Yeah, go on ahead Leo!

R!Leo: YES!

Raph: Just don't wreak the place... again.

R!Leo: Don't worry short Raph, my power isn't weakness at all! Myself on the other hand... *makes a derpy face*


R!Leo: Okay, okay! Impatient I see. *takes out his sowrd and starts to swing it around a little, blue sparks appearing infront of him* Wait for it... *he then slashes the soward and a blue portal appears infront of him* There!

Leo: Whoa...

Raph: Huh. Not bad, I guess.

Mikey: Aweeeesommmme!!

Donnie: *walks back out of his lab, dragging R!Donnie in the process* Hey guys, I'm ba- *sees the portal that R!Leo made* ... Did Cadence make another portal?

Cadence: Nope, it was Rise!Leo.

Donnie: Oh... where does it go to?

R!Leo: *shrugs* I don't know, I just made a random portal.

Donnie: Okay, well I suggest you close it before- *before he could finish his sentence, five huge tenticals came out of the portal as they swung around like crazy*

R!Leo: Whoops. That isn't supposed to happen. *literally too calm about this*

Donnie: *getting swung around like a ragdoll like he was by Leatherhead by one of the tentacles* GET IT OFF ME! TURN THE PORTAL OFF!!

Leo: I'll take care of the tentacle- *takes out one of his sowards and runs to slash one of the tentacles*

R!Leo: I got it! *before 12!Leo could even reach the tentacle Donnie was let go and the tentacles dissapeared into the portal as it faded away*

Leo: *falls onto the floor face first* ... Ow...

Raph: *bursts out laughing* Th-That was the funniest thing I've s-seen all day!

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