Favorite ROTTMNT Villains?

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It was finally night time and all turtles + Cadence were standing outside in the streets.

R!Raph: Okay so... you see that villain over there? *points to a tall ass villain*

Raph: Yeah? What are you gonna do, smash it? Cause news flash bucko, I do that on a daily basis.

R!Raph: Uhm... well if you wanna see me smash something... *picks up a rock and easily smashes it with one hand* There. But no- I was actually gonna do something else.

This shit is gonna be to hard to explain so I'll just show a picture-

R!Raph: *He basically turns into that form and walks to the building he was pointing at before, shocking everyone in the process*

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R!Raph: *He basically turns into that form and walks to the building he was pointing at before, shocking everyone in the process*

Raph: What...

Leo: The...

Donnie: Hell...


R!Raph: *he grabs the building and pulls it out of the ground* Heh, piece of cake!

R!Leo & R!Mikey: Go Raph! Go Raph! Go Raph!

R!Donnie: *just puts a thumbs up while looking down at his phone*

R!Raph: *chuckles and gose down to his normal size to walk back to the others* Hope you enjoyed that!

Raph: I'm sorry I doubted you...

Leo: No wonder your the leader....

Donnie: Your the best Raph I've met so far...

Mikey: Hey, can you be my new big brother?

Raph: Yeah- HEY, WAIT!

Mikey: Relishing chuckle~

R!Donnie: Hey, that's my line!

Cadence: Can we go outside now? It's cold as hell and we have a request and question from Yua.

Raph: Aww, poor little demon can't take the cold?

Cadence: Remember Raphael, I am what you call me and I'm not afraid to kill you.

Raph: Yeah, whatever. Let's just go! *walks off*

Later, when everyone was back inside the lair.

Cadence: Okay so, here we go.

Cadence: I'll go get 2012 and Rise! April and Casey

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Cadence: I'll go get 2012 and Rise! April and Casey. Answer the question while I'm gone! *makes a portal and walks inside*

R!Mikey: Meat Sweats for obvious reasons!

R!Raph: I know this was weird but I kinda liked Baron Braxum when he was a villain.

R!Leo: As much as I hate him for THROWING ME OFF A ROOF... I have to agree.

R!Donnie: And, he will never let the go. Anyways, I believe I don't have a favorite villain but I guess Big Mama can play as an exception...

Leo: Cool cool... now we gotta wait.

Cadence: *walks back carrying all four different Casey and April's* Not anymore!

R!Casey: LET. ME. GO.

R!April: Calm down Cass!!

April: You could've us walk ourselves...

Casey: Yeah, this was unnecessary! I DEMAND you to put Casey Jones down!

Cadence: *rolls eyes and throws the Rise!Counterparts infront of the 2012 turtles and the 2012!Counterparts infront of the Rise!Turtles* React with each other! I'm gonna go take a fucking nap. *walks away*

R!April: *blinks and looks down to see 12!Mikey smiling up at her* Aw, this one is cute! *squishes his cheeks*

Donnie: *growls silently*

Raph: *whispers to Leo* Someones jealous~

Leo: *rolls his eyes playfully*

With the rise turtles.

April: Sooooo...

R!Raph: You guys are short-

R!Leo: EVERRYYYYOOONEE is short to you Raph!

R!Raph: Oh yeah-

Casey: Huh, I kinda thought this Raph would be hot tempered...

April: I don't know, he kinda looks like a nice cuddley teddy bear...!

R!Raph: I like teddy bears! ^^

April: I like this version of Raph! :>

Casey: *rolls eyes*

R!Donnie: These four are gonna be here for a while huh...?

R!Mikey: Yep!

Leo: Most likely. *yawns* We should probably do the outro too. It's getting late and we can talk a bit more off camera k?

Donnie: I agree... *still glaring at R!April who was still grabbing onto 12!Mikey's cheeks*

R!Casey: *silently staring at the 12!turtles*

Raph: ... She's creeping me out... Leo?

Leo: *sighs* Ask us some truths/questions.

Raph & Donnie: And questions.


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