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Leo: Seriously? Didn't we just tell you to take a break?

Cadence: I know! And I will! BUT THIS DESERVES TO BE IN A CHAPTER!

Donnie: ... Okay... What is it?

Rise!Raph: I- *blushes a bright red*

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Rise!Raph: I- *blushes a bright red*

Rise!Donnie: I knew this would come up eventually. *Walks over to Rise!Raph and whispers in his ear* Seriously Raph, you make it too obvious.

Raph: If this is the case, then great minds think alike.

Rise!Leo: *too embarrassed to even process*

Rise!Raph: U-Uh... Leo?

Rise!Donnie: He can't hear you and won't be able to unless we snap him out of it or we just wait for ten minutes. So you got ten minutes- well, nine now, to answer the question.

Rise!Raph: Oh! Um... Y-Yes...?

Rise!Mikey: KNEW IT! SHIIIIP! *Squealing, jumping up and down like crazy*

Cadence: Why is everything black?

Raph: That sounded ra-

Cadence: Answer the question.

Donnie: Your eyes are closed...

Cadence: Really-? *Plops onto the floor and falls asleep instantly, snoaring lightly*

Mikey: .... I'll take care of her. *Picks Cadence up bridal style an walks away towards the guest room*

Raph: .... Do we end it here?

Donnie: Guess so.

Leo: You all already know the drill.

Rise!Leo: *finally snaps out of it* ... What happened? What did I miss?

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