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"Are you coming?" 

"I'm already here, might as well stay. Right?" 


We entered the house and let me tell you one thing. It reeked, all I could smell was cigarettes and alcohol, not cool. Lily dragged me towards the 'bar' and poured us some drinks 

"Bottoms up" She squealed, I sniffed the drink and quickly poured it out as she took her shot

"How does it taste?" She asks

Well it smells bitter


"Yeahhhh, want more?"

"Nah, I'm okay"

I'm not a drinker. Never have been, never will be, I'm already battling with anxiety, insomnia and some doctors have even told me that I may have a case of depression. How fun!! No, it sucks. 

"I'm going to dance" Lily called out

I nodded my head and made my way to the sofa, every girl I saw wore tight dresses, their faces caked with makeup and their dresses were so high I could see their panties, but me I'm a different story, I wore joggers and a tight tank top. My hair put in a loose bun and I'm wearing a fluffy jumper. I'm all good. Both sofas were occupied by either kissing couples or people that were passed out. I went back into the living room and pushed past all the people. All for a chair. I then dragged the chair back into the kitchen and slouched down until I was comfortable. Now comfy in my position I pulled out my phone and decided to play subway surfers. Fun.

"Hey girl" I looked up to see Liam plop himself next to me 

"Hi beautiful" I answered

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here" His gay butt couldn't be caught flirting it was hilarious 

"Well gorgeous, I'm waiting for Lily to get drunk, maybe have sex, then I can leave and go back to watching Teen wolf, how about you?" 

"I see the boy I like" I saw Liam's cheek turn pink slightly. Adorbs. 

"Who babes, who?" I questioned, he pointed out to one of the football jocks, he was rather tall and had stunning hair "Go get him, what's his name" 


Hate that name 

"I don't like the name" I responded honestly 

"I know but he's a nice person" 

"That's all that matters" 


"Gale" Once I had his attention I waved him over hesitantly, I didn't want to bring too much attention upon myself but if it meant helping my best friend then I'd do it, plus mostly everyone was drunk so its not like everyone will remember this

"Hey" Gale said

"Hiya, so straight to the point, you're hot, Liam here is hot, you guys are both hot. Maybe you guys can hit it off?" 

Gale's eyes widened slightly 

"I....is he gay?" He questioned softly 

"Very, but he always seems to want a piece of me, I mean who wouldn't" I joked which made Gale chuckle 

"Well, Liam, I would love to dance with you" 

Liam kissed my cheek before silently saying thank you with his eyes, I shooed both of them off and went back to being lonely. 

"Fight, fight, fight, fight" I heard a slow and steady chant upon me, I slowly stood up in worry of Lily and Liam and made my way through the crowd

"What's happening?" I whispered into Lizzy's ear

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