~Will you be mine?

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"Come on lets get ready, you got 15 minutes birthday girl"

Not this again, even though I did get shot surprisingly I was already better. Weird. I haven't heard from Alen yet but hopefully he's doing better, mama and papa said that I can visit him tomorrow so I'm pretty excited. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth slowly, I then got into  the shower and washed my hair thoroughly before jumping out.

"9 minutes" 

I quickly ran into my bedroom and put on Andre's hoodie and a pair of black leggings, I slipped on fluffy socks and put on my trainers

"I'm ready" I croaked 

"Lets go pick up Natalie" Liam said 


It took us a good 25 minutes to get there, Liam is a horrible driver but he tried for me, which I'm greatful for


"Hey beautiful, I'm going to have to steal you from Liz and Andre, is that okay?"


They obviously knew that I was coming but still, it was still a surprise for Nat 

I held onto Nat's hand and guided her to Liam's car, beforehand Liam and Andre already put Nat's chair in there so all I had to do was buckle her up. Once I was done we drove EXTRA slow to the shopping centre


"We're going to match today"

"W-what do y-you want t-to wear?"

"We can wear a skirt, do you feel comfortable wearing a skirt and maybe a white top with a short sleeve jumper on top?"

"Y-yes" She squealed 

"Okay come this shop must sell them" 


"That'll be £39.99" 

Only for 2 skirts 2 tops, and matching shoes. Damn. I bought out my card and scanned it through 


Thank goodness 

"Come we're going to get our nails done" 

The plan was simple, I wanted to take Natalie out for a shopping spree, I got 2 cards, Andres's and mine, I'm not rich but I'm not poor so I do have the money, and I did feel very guilty taking Andres's  card but he insisted. 

"What colour nails do you want?" 

"What o-ones are you g-getting?" 

"I'm thinking pastel pink" I giggled 

"P-pastel pink, c-can we have one with a-a leop-leopard print"

"Of course!!" 

I loved seeing Natalie happy 

I loved seeing Natalie happy 

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