~Don't die on me

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"Wake up" I shook Andre for the seventh time, when he didn't budge I jogged upstairs skipping every other step, now tip toeing I walked over to Nat's room and knocked on her door lightly, when I didn't get a response I opened the door gently 

"H-hey belle" 

"Morning sunshine, you getting ready for school?" 

"Y-yes but Andre is supposed to be helping m-me" 

"I'll help" 

I was determined to make this girls day better "Do you have school uniform?" I asked and she shook her head. I walked over to her wardrobe and grabbed a cute yellow and white polka dot dress and matched it up with white slip ons

I decided since we both had to get ready lets get ready together, I grabbed my bag and looked at the outfit that my mum picked out for me 

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I decided since we both had to get ready lets get ready together, I grabbed my bag and looked at the outfit that my mum picked out for me 

I decided since we both had to get ready lets get ready together, I grabbed my bag and looked at the outfit that my mum picked out for me 

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"Which one is your toothbrush?" I asked 

"Pink one" I chuckled and placed a bit of toothpaste on it, I then hopped in the shower in hope that Liz and Andre didn't mind, I quickly washed my hair and body, I used what seemed to be Natalie's soap so I smelled like marshmallows, I smelt good!! 

"You ready?" I asked, I was now changed into my outfit, I opened her curtains and made her bed, it seemed to be pretty cold outside so I put back on Andre's hoodie 

"I'm r-ready, do you like?" 

She looked gorgeous, I grabbed a hairbrush and brushed down her beautiful brown locks "What hairstyle would you like?" I asked 

"Plait please" I nodded and french plaited her hair, I then brushed down my hair and put it in a bun, I decided not to wear any makeup, so I put on my strawberry chap stick, I then silently thanked my mum for my school bag, it had all of my books and my pens in it

"Do we have to pack your bag?" I asked Nat

"Yeah I need my p-pens and my l-lunch" I nodded as I checked her bag, it seemed to already have her pencil case in it so that was all good. "C-can I use some?" I looked down at my chap stick and placed it on her lips "It smells g-good" I nodded happily "It does doesn't it" 

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