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"Don't wake them up" 


"Stop taking pictures off them"


I heard my phone ding and I finally fluttered my eyes open. Lily sent me pictures off us sleeping. It was really cute. Two insomniac's sleeping? I put it on as my home screen and turned off my phone 

"Come on, we're going to bake brownies before we leave" Lily practically dragged me out of bed and I landed on the floor with a big thunk. Wowzers that hurt. 

"I'm still tired" I yawned "You're finally awake, lets make brownies" Lily grabbed Andres's hand and pulled him out of bed. Lets be honest I know that Andres helped her.

"Can I use your phone?" I turned around to see Andres standing there, his hair still messy from sleep and his abs on full display 


Andres's POV 

I grabbed her phone and turned it on. She had a picture off me and her. Her lock screen was me sleeping her awake and her home screen was of both of us sleeping. She's so adorable 

I dialed in my mums number and left it to ring

"Hello?" She questioned


"Andres finally, are you coming home today?" 


"What time?"

"Don't know"

"Can you bring some vegetables before you come?" 


"Okay bye baby"

"Bye mum, I love you"

"I Love you" 

I hung up and put her phone on the counter, she looked so beautiful, her hair still in the messy bun that I put it in, my hoodie like a dress on her. She just looks so damn beautiful.

"Andres, come make brownies with us" She giggles 

"What do we do?" I grunted

"Here" She gave me the ingredients and the instructions "Make any shape your heart desires" 

I ended up making 2 hearts, one for her, one for me and she ended up making 2 big stars

"Here, this one is for you" I nodded but inside I felt all warm and fuzzy 

"Here" I gave her a heart and I saw her eyes brighten up 

"For me?" 


She hugged me, I tensed up underneath her but slowly relaxed and placed my arms around her waist 

"Did you see the video I took on your phone?" She whispers 


"Good, look at it when I'm at home" I nodded 

So that's why my phone was missing

"Okay folks time to go home" Dylan called out and I mentally groaned, I just wanted to stay like this forever, wrapped up with her

"Who needs a ride?" Luca asked

"Me" Liam and Gale said at the same time 

"Lets go" 

I watched as Isabelle hugged all 3 of them, when they left I tugged her arm and leaned down 

"Do you need a ride?" She nodded "Okay, say goodbye to everyone and we'll be off" 

"Lils, Dylan come give me my hug" 

They both raced down and gave her a hug 

"Call me when you're home" Lily practically begged

"I will, see you tomorrow at school love you both, byeeee" 

"Bye, I love you, see you later" 

She slipped on her shoes and grabbed a carton off apple juice, she then gestured for me to hold her brownie as she grabbed her bag 

"I'm ready to go" She opened her mouth up and I placed the brownie in it

"Alright, lets go" 

Her phone started buzzing 

"Hola mama, I'll be home in" She looked at me for confirmation when I saw a text from my mum 

"Can you stay for dinner with my mum" I muttered 

"Yes, mama I'm staying over for dinner at a friends, I'll be home soon, Te amo" 

She hung up and grabbed my hand, she then started playing with my rings as she ate her brownie.

~10 minutes later

"Why did we stop?" She asked 

"I need to get vegetables for the dinner" 

"Okay" I watched as she grabbed a trolley and glided along with it, I had to stop her a few times and as I pilled on more things I figured that it was getting heavy for her so I took it 

"Anything that you want?" I asked 

Her eyes darted everywhere and she was stuck in-between M&M's and Skittles 

"Hurry we need to leave" 

She groaned and put them both back

"Why'd you do that?"

"I can't pick, its okay" She nodded 

I grabbed them both, marshmallows, chocolate, crackers and apple juice and placed them all in the cart 

"You don't have to" 

"I want to" 

I paid and we left

This is going to be a long night 

Okay but like, cute much. Anyways I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter!! I haven't been posting as much because I'm kind off focused on other books but I'll definitely post more chapters. Maybe I'll even post 2 tonight, you never know!!

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~And enjoyyy

Word count 784

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