01. state of arrival

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diamond of the first water, 01x1

Grosvenor Square, 1813. Dearest reader, the time has come to place our bets for the upcoming social season. Consider the household of the Baron Featherington. Three misses foisted upon the marriage market like sorrowful sows by their tasteless, tactless mama. Far better odds might exist in the household of the widowed Viscountess Bridgerton. A shockingly prolific family, noted for its bounty of perfectly handsome sons and perfectly beautiful daughters.

"I am already roasting." Groaned Eloise as all the girls from the house descended the stairs except for Daphne.

"Are you to complain the entire day, Eloise?" Hyacinth chuckled.

"Surely I cannot be expected to bear these fashions the entire day." She remarked to her sisters.

"I feel like a princess. Do I look like one?" The youngest sister asked. Dominic turned around from the bottom of the stairs, having heard the whole conversation as they were in no way near silent.

"Do you truly wish to know what I think you look like?" Eloise asked back.

Rolling his eyes, Dominic replied, "You surely do look like a princess, sister." She smiled brightly at his words.

Just then, the youngest brother appeared "On your left!" Annoying Hyacinth like always and causing her to call out his name before running after him.

"Is our dear sister still not ready?" Benedict asked as they reunited under the stairs.

"She's only been readying herself the entire night." Francesca replied with a laugh.

"You mean her entire life." Eloise corrected annoyedly.

"I shall run upstairs and hasten her along." Colin told them, beginning to walk towards the stairs with Benedict hot in his trail.

"Colin, wait. I'll do it." Dominic raised an eyebrow at his brothers interaction, curious as to where it was going.

"She likes me better than you, Benedict."

"Did she say that?"

"Everyone says that."

Dominic patted both of their backs, grinning "I forgot the part where any of you were her twin brother." His brothers rolled their eyes.

state of grace, bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now