07. state of death

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Dearest gentle reader, I must send felicitations to the new Duke and Duchess of Hastings. Congratulations and stamina as they embark on the most exhilarating time in a young couple's life. I am, of course, talking of the honeymoon. Is there a more romantic notion? To retreat from society together finally leaving watchful eyes behind. While this author, along with the rest of the ton, will certainly miss its most-remarked-upon couple back in London, perhaps we might find solace in the promise of the duke and duchess returning to us bearing a surprise.

Lady Danbury and Miss Green walked together around the garden, everyone else was chatting amongst themselves while they just enjoyed each other's companies. The older woman could feel the sadness in the youngest, but she was in no way going to show it "Have you thought about your future?" She decided to break the silence with, off the girl's arched eyebrow she continued "Well, you must choose your own path now, my dear. Or are you to live with me forever?"

Florence chuckled "I must confess, it does sound nice." Her mother figure glared playfully, making her laugh "I know, I know. But I'm still young, mother. I should have enough time to make a choice."

Lady Danbury glanced over her shoulder, seeing Dominic approaching them with a bright smile "Whatever it is. Make it quick before it's too late." She left the girl alone, so the boy could be her next companion. Confused, Florence looked down in thought.

Just before Dominic arrived, they all heard glass clanging, turning to Colin as he stood with Miss Thompson "May I have everyone's attention? I would like to make a small but important announcement. I have happy news to impart. I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife, and she has accepted." People applauded, happy for the new couple.

Dominic was happy for his brother, but thought about also Daphne getting married. It seemed like his siblings were founding their people, and he wasn't. He looked at Florence, who approached Colin and Marina to congratulate them. A small smile appeared on his face, thinking about how someday that would be them. Nodding and thanking everyone who approached them to congratulate. As soon as she walked away, Dominic followed after her. He could talk to his brother later, at home and with no so many eyes around them. But all that mattered to him at that moment was to talk to her.

"Florence!" She turned around, her smile brightening at the sight of her best friend.

"Dominic," Miss Green greeted "Your family keeps expanding."

"Indeed," He nodded, hands on his pockets "Why don't we take a stroll around the country? I've got something to tell you."

"Of course." She looked over his shoulder, making sure no one was watching before walking next to him. As they neared the trees, the comforting sound of birds around them could be heard. Florence glanced up to see a couple of pigeons on a tree together. It was a nice view, once she hoped Lord Winter could see, but she didn't take him with her that day.

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