09. state of cats and dogs

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A new season had begun, and so the ton was filled with excitement once more. The Bridgertons, as always, was a loud household the day of presentation. This time, it was Eloise's turn, who had a lot of pressure on her shoulders. Just a prior year, her older sister had been the Diamond of the season, and had married a Duke. And her brother Dominic had also found his match, now married to Florence Bridgerton, née Green. The latest couple had arrived a few days early from their country house, as they had promised to be there for the new season. Florence wasn't used to so much life around her, eyeing the siblings oddly as they stood in front of Eloise's bedroom. Her husband had joined his siblings and his mother, him missing his family as much as she missed hers.

They talked over each other, confusing Florence who watched in shock. Getting irritated, she screamed out, "Shut it!" Every single one of them turned to her, wide eyed. The silent brought her relief, smiling to herself as Dominic stared at her, mouth agape "Finally." She muttered under her breath.

"Is this the plan?" Daphne spoke up as she approached them, having just arrived. Florence basically jumped into her, hugging her friend tightly as Violet sighed in relief.

"Daphne. Thank goodness you're here." She said while the friends hugged, being separated by Dominic who hugged his twin sister.

"She's requested time." Anthony defended their actions, earning a glare from Florence.

"Then, time we'll give her." Florence said in a warning tone, all Bridgertons taking a step back in fear. Dominic tried to hide his smirk has he placed an arm around her waist, his hand on her hip as he brought her closer.

"We do not have time. Stand back." Daphne tried to argue, being stopped by Benedict as he stepped in front of her.

"No offence, Sister, but I believe you are the last person she would like to see." He told her, causing her to take a step back.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Daphne asked back, her tone harsh in offence.

"Are we sure she's even in there?" Hyacinth wondered aloud.

"Of course she is in there." Francesca replied in annoyance.

"Where else would she be?" Gregory asked Hyacinth, who looked away with crossed arms.

"Climbed through the window, skip through the chimney-" Benedict joked, being interrupted by his mother.

"Quiet! She may hear you." Violet said, half playful half warning.

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