02. state of gossip

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diamond of the first water, 01x1

It was the next morning, and Dominic couldn't keep her image away from his mind. He even dreamed of another dance. But that day was all about Daphne, as the family all got together "Anthony!" The girl exclaimed as he entered "I did not expect to see you here this morning."

"It is terribly early for you, dearest." Violet commented.

"I could not sleep for some reason. All the excitement, I presume." He replied.

"Oh, yes. Scaring off your sister's suitors is such an exciting activity." Dominic said sarcastically, earning a snort from Eloise.

Anthony pointed a finger at him, before ignoring his words and going back to Daphne "Am I the first gentleman to arrive?" Eloise and Dominic shared a shake of their head as he continued "How wonderful!"

Dearest reader, this author finds herself compelled to share the most curious of news. It seems our diamond requires a closer inspection. As such, an even rarer jewel of only the most remarkable brilliance, fire, and luster has been unearthed. Her name, unknown to most, yet soon known to all, is Miss Marina Thompson. This author is left to wonder whether Her Majesty might reconsider the high praise she once afforded Miss Bridgerton, for we all must know what the queen despises more than anything... Being wrong. And the drawing room at Bridgerton House currently appears to be emptier than the muddled head of her dearest King George. It follows that Lady Featherington is to receive what she has always desired: the season's true Incomparable living under her own roof. She must be overjoyed.

Florence lowered the pamphlet as she took a sip of juice "There's not this much drama at the country side." Lady Danbury smirked while the duke shook his head in disbelief "That is something I will surely miss. Besides your company, of course." She said to the old woman, who smiled at her with a chuckle.

"What about the company of Mr Bridgerton?" That made Simon sit up, the girl looking at her cluelessly.

"In all the years I have known Anthony, I have never missed him." Lady Danbury shook her head, the duke looking between them suspiciously.

"I meant Mr Dominic Bridgerton."

"Ah," Florence opened the pamphlet again, in a way of ignoring her "I will surely not miss the way he dances."

"Is there something I should be worried about?" Simon asked.

Both women answered at the same time "No."

state of grace, bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now