05. state of leaving

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an affair of honor, 04x1

Florence walked pass the people who were talking about Daphne as she entered the room. She excused herself at the rude people who glare, intertwining her arm with Daphne's, making the other girl smile. Glad she didn't leave yet, which also meant Simon was still in London "Everyone seems to have quite an opinion." Violet commented before noticing Florence "Oh, hi, dear. How long do you think it will be before Her Majesty arrives? I may very well faint from hunger." She glanced down at the table, not leaving her room to answer as she picked up something from it.

Miss Green laughed while her daughter scolded her "Mama! We are at court!"

"No one is looking at me, dearest." She ate it, not caring about what her daughter said.

"Mama! Florence, say something to her!"

"That's quite delicious." Because of Violet's comment, Florence decided to try on her own. Leaving Daphne to gape at both of them.

"Delicious." She confirmed.

Violet glanced back at her daughter "My darling, you seem a little strained. You have been that way for the past few days."

"I have much on my mind."

"You do, indeed."

The doors opened, causing the three to turn around "Her Majesty Queen Charlotte and her esteemed nephew, Prince Friedrich of Prussia." The three walked forward, Florence besides them in behalf of Lady Danbury. Besides, the queen had taken a like to her, it was good for her status to go to such events. Of course, she wasn't the one to think that, but more Lady Danbury and the duke.

"Miss Bridgerton, I find myself in raptures over your acceptance of my invitation to the palace." The prince spoke.

"You flatter me, Your Highness."

"I cannot help it. You are perfection itself."

"Offer her your gift." The queen ordered him. Florence furrowed slightly, sharing a subtle look with Violet. If he was so interested in Daphne, why would she have to remind him of his gift?

"I have brought you a gift." He turned around, grabbing what seemed like an expensive necklace and placing it on her neck. She pulled away shakily "Miss Bridgerton, are you unwell?"

"I am perfectly well. Of course." She brought her hand to touch the diamonds around her neck "This necklace is... quite well too."

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