08. state of surprise

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Florence wasn't the type of person who loved surprises. She enjoyed one from time to time, but she wasn't fond of not knowing how things were going to be. And still, the surprise of falling for Dominic Bridgerton was one she was grateful for. Probably, the best surprise she ever got. After she came back, Dominic and her pursued a life together. There was no rush to get married, taking their months to make sure that's what they really wanted. But they couldn't keep their hands to themselves anymore. The bride was getting ready with a pregnant Daphne besides her. Eloise sat next to Lady Danbury, both smiling at the nervous brunette. Violet entered the room with her other two daughters behind, all smiling brightly "How are you feeling, dear?" The mother of the groom asked.

She took in a nervous breath "I may faint. Besides that, I should be ready." Violet chuckled, sitting besides the other mother in the room. Daphne stared at her friend in the mirror, a soft smile on her face "What?" Florence wondered.

"You look lovely." Daphne replied while shaking her head slightly.

Hyacinth got besides her, tapping her arm. She turned to her, a curious expression on her face "Mama mentioned you must have something blue," She grabbed Florence's arm, gently placing a bracelet of soft blue on her wrist "I made it myself."

"Really? Wow, Hyacinth. It's gorgeous. Thank you." She smiled at the girl who nodded with a grin before leaving her alone. All the women in the room stared at the bride as she took a last look at herself. For a second, she wished she had a family of her own to have here. But, the one she got was one much better than whatever she ever imagined "Daphne, could you please fetch my brother for me? He ought to carry me to the altar."

"Of course." She nodded. Her sisters followed after her, leaving only the mothers and Florence in the room.

Lady Danbury and Violet shared a look before turning to her "Florence," She hummed, glancing at her mother "We must have a talk." She raised an eyebrow, confused.

Meanwhile, Dominic raised a hand, stopping his brother from talking. The day he had dreamed about since his eyes landed on Miss Green had finally arrived. He couldn't be happier, really. He was marrying the best person he ever met, in his opinion. His best friend. The only person he wanted by his side. But of course, Anthony had to have the talk just before he entered the church "Please. I cannot take this anymore."

Daphne approached them with a smile, causing her brother to get more nervous. What if she told them that Florence had backed down? What if she ran away? What if- "She's ready." She told her husband, who kissed her cheek before he went to find his sister. The brothers patted Dominic's shoulder, leaving the twins alone. Daphne fixed his tie "I'm really proud of you, brother."

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