'Breaking' in the Friendship! [Fairy Lights]

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Adrien was late. Not 'out of control, call out the police' late, just late enough that he felt horrendous about it. Even though he hadn't had any lessons that morning he'd decided to go visit the local library and check out their anime comics. Four hours later and here he was rushing to get to Marinette's.

Since moving into his dorm, and had become 'Mr Independent', he had given up the privilege of having his own driver on hand. A big mistake at times like this.

He ran up the staircase praying to the forces above that he didn't smell like a wet dog by the time he reached Marinette's apartment, slowing to a walk once he was on her level and giving his armpit a quick sniff - not too bad. He found Marinette's door and tentatively knocked ... once, twice, three times. Oh, God! Was that too eager? Do people knock three times? Maybe he should have stopped at two? Marinette was funny though so perhaps he should have knocked a little tune? It was going so wrong already.

He began to panic as he stood waiting for Marinette to open up. His weight shifted from foot to foot and he could feel the tremor in his hands, he was a nervous wreck and didn't understand why?

He'd purchased a special bottle of wine on his way to her place, something for them to drink alongside their M&M's. He'd even asked the woman at the store which would be best, after all this was the first time he was buying a bottle himself, and he wanted it to be right. Usually he'd receive wine as a gift from a client, or his father would give him one to whatever social event he was attending. Though this bottle wasn't a thousand euros, it still had really good reviews from the lady in the shop.

He went to step away before turning back and reaching again. She wouldn't ignore him for being a little late, would she? After all, Marinette wasn't like that. At least he didn't think she was. Though from the messages they'd exchanged after she'd finished her shift yesterday, his little tip wasn't overly appreciated. Instead she'd berated him and told him the money would go on their night out together, and there wasn't a chance in hell of her spending it on herself. Who was he to argue with such a head strong lady?

A loud bang shattered the silence in the hallway and he realised it had come from the other side of the door, Adrien winced at the squeal that preceded it, that must have hurt. He stepped up to the door only for it to open with enough force it could have been thrown off the hinges. He was impressed that someone of her size held such strength.

"Hi," her smile was forced, and by the looks of it she was in the middle of something. Her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, strands trying their hardest to escape, and something (which he thought might be guacamole) was spread up her face. She looked crazy and adorable at the same time.

"Hey yourself, you've got something Marinette," he watched her eyes open as he stretched forward, his thumb brushing over her chin and coming into contact with the green blob, "right there." He pulled his thumb away and twisted it, allowing her to see what he'd just scraped off her face.

Her cheeks flamed a wonderful red and he couldn't help but laugh. She was undeniably the cutest girl he'd ever met and he wondered if he played it right she would be open to dating him. They'd known each other for a fair few weeks now, and she seemed to like speaking to him, they texted multiple times a day, so maybe, if he could find the courage he could ask her out.

She stretched forward holding a napkin she'd extracted from her pocket, before wiping the green gunk from his finger and directing him into her apartment.

"This is for you." He handed over the bottle of wine and she made an impressed sound.

"This is posh! Can't say I've ever had it, but I can say I've always wanted to try." She took the bottle out of his hands and then waved him to follow her through into the 'room'. She had a studio apartment which was probably only two thirds of the size of his bedroom back at the mansion. The kitchenette was to the left with a small breakfast bar against the wall, complete with two high stool seats, then there was a bed and a couch squeezed into the tiny living space. She had a television, a sewing desk, and a gaming console in front of the sofa, and many, many, many strings of fairy lights hanging over her bed. It was like walking into Narnia.

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