Destiny [Shooting Star/Wedding]

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Balancing the box on one arm, she manovoured herself to grab the keys out of her bag only noticing then the white envelope slipping onto the floor. She fumbled around, placing the boxes on the floor in a desperate need to pick up and open the letter.

"Open it." Tikki's small voice sounded from Marinette's bag, the small red creature sticking her head out of the bag and gazing her big blue eyes into Marinette's.

With trembling hands Marinette tore the seal and opened the envelope. Adrien was due home today so the reason for this letter was both puzzling and, in Marinette's eyes, pointless.

Pulling the plain piece of paper from its previous home, she held it in front of herself and began to read.

'My dearest shooting star,

I saw you, and in that moment my dark life suddenly had meaning. Like a shooting star, you've brightened my world once again.

But it's more than just brightness. You brought so much more to my life: direction, beauty, meaning (a little black creature with a cheese addiction).

I fell in love. And sometimes, I'm lucky enough to walk amongst those who can understand my need for the light, the need for direction and meaning. You appeared and showed me the love that re-awakened my heart.

I saw you, and all of a sudden my life had meaning.

Take to the skies, my shooting star, and look for me.'

"Oh, Marinette." Tikki's sniff matched Marinette's, the girl wiping the tears from her now damn cheeks.

"He definitely has a way with words," she laughed, the tears continuing to fall in the most unattractive way, leaving silver streaks in their wake. "I think he did it just to ruin my makeup."

The small red kwami hugged into Marinette's face, both smiling through the tears of joy.

"Should I just go?" She asked Tikki, wanting a second opinion on the situation. Marinette was ready to leave the macarons and just dart into the Paris skyline in search of her better half.

"Yes!" Tikki squealed, "Grab the macarons and let's go."

Both girls giggling, Marinette opened the door before grabbing the treats and heading inside, throwing her bag and macarons on the counter and heading straight for the balcony.

"Tikki, spots on." Unhooking her yoyo, Ladybug flicked out the wire hooking onto the closest chimney before flying off into the darkening skies. The sun set framing the city in its perfect colours of red, orange and yellow.

Marinette had always had a fondness for her city, it was beautiful, historical and every corner had a memory attached to it, even more since she became Ladybug. As she sailed through the streets waving to well wishers as she passed by, she couldn't help but think how lucky she was because everything could have turned out so differently.

She'd been a star student at collége, and even though she was notorious for turning up between 5 and 20 minutes late, her teachers respected her and she rarely received punishment. Each teacher understood that that was just her.

As she went between her parents' patisserie and her collége feelings and memories flooded her consciousness. The first day she'd met Alya, the head to heads she would often have with Chloé, the burden of Lila's lies on her friendships. The mixture of joy and hurt scrambled together adding to the cocktail of her destiny.

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