Hey Kid [Lies]

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Adrien bounced his weight from one foot to the other, not quite sure what he was going to do. He'd already walked up and down the corridors of his dorm, so now he was now wandering around the early morning Parisian streets.

Luckily it was quite quiet. Only jet lagged tourists and the earliest of wakers were amongst the minimal crowds. His phone was still silent for now, but he knew it wouldn't be long until his father would contact him. There was not a chance in hell Gabriel wouldn't after this morning's tabloid stories.

He'd woken up at six ready to start his usual morning routine; protein shake, gym, breakfast only to be rudely interrupted by Jackson storming into his room (still in last night's clothing and smelling of cheap booze) thrusting a phone into Adrien's face.

The news stories made him feel sick.

Not only were they invading his privacy but they were outright lies.

He checked his watch again. Marinette's shift would start in minutes, he needed to see her. Spinning on his heel he began to walk in the direction of the café.

Last night was a dream. When she'd whispered his own name into his ear, he was quite sure he would spontaneously combust. They were back on track, spending the rest of the night together until Alya and Nino took her home. Apparently Alya had some sort of mothering instinct over Marinette and wanted to make sure she got home. He couldn't help the hopeless feeling when she left, like he'd lost a limb.

They parted with a kiss on the cheek and a promise for her to text him when she got home. Which she did, but that didn't stop him from kicking himself for not telling her he liked her too. After she had said his name all he could do was hug her tightly into his body. He couldn't tell her ... the words just wouldn't come out. His father and mother weren't exactly affectionate towards each other so how the hell was he meant to be. He just didn't know.

Once she had left, and Adrien Agreste was once more alone the same old story happened again.





Girl too close.

Girl needed to go away.

Over and over and over again. He was just lucky Lila hadn't returned for her next attempt with him. She was probably off manhandling another unsuspecting male somewhere and far away from him.

They were just leaving, an hour or so before the club closed when it happened.

Two girls strode next to Adrien and he thought nothing of it. He wasn't drunk, he had stayed sober out of choice. He didn't want to forget his moments with Marinette - he'd never felt so ... God ... he didn't even know how to describe it.

It was like the beam of sunshine on a cold day, the brightly lit fireplace when it's cold and snowy outside, it was like she brightened everyday, every moment, and she made him feel more than he ever was.

But now, once again it could all be over.

The two girls had clung to him, kissed his cheeks and made themselves look part of his 'after party' and he felt sick to the core as the picture smiled back at him from the news websites.

This morning Paris, and by result his asshole of a father, were waking up to the news that Adrien Agreste had - what did the news article say - lured two women back to his 'secret apartment' for a night of wild passionate relations. The woman had sold a story, a vile story of lies which, once again, was going to throw a spanner in the works.

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