New Year [Fireworks]

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Mairnette stood impatiently on the bottom of the staircase waiting for Adrien to arrive. He'd given her strict instructions; dress up nicely, wait outside the apartment at exactly 7:30 that evening, and prepare to be wooed. But the problem was being wooed by Adrien could be quite a scary prospect. It could mean anything from a bouquet of roses to a candlelit picnic on a random rooftop somewhere. She had learned in the short time of dating him to expect the unexpected, and most of the time that meant she had the wrong shoes on.

Bang on 7:30 (of course he was prompt) she was greeted on her doorstep by a white stretch limousine ... nope, not black, that would be normal, and less conspicuous, but definitely not Adrien's style. The limo came to a complete stop in front of her only for music to blast out of the sunroof followed by Adrien Agreste rising up with a single red rose placed in his mouth.

She didn't know whether she was excited, romanced, or embarrassed? The older couple walking past seemed charmed by her boyfriend and definitely sent her over into the embarrassed group.

"Good evening, lovely lady." He began, shouting out over the music and onto the street. The older couple now standing on the corner of the street to watch the display happening right in front of them. Her embarrassment level kicked up another notch. "I have travelled this land long and far in search of a fair maiden."

"Adrien," she hissed, looking over to where the man and woman stood staring. Oh God, she was going to throw him the length of the city.

"It seems, through the power of the powerful magician, Googial Mapious, I found the maiden who my heart was yearning for." He continued to express himself out of the sunroof, arms flying around it over the top gestures, performing not only to her and the older couple, but also the group of teens now standing on the opposite side of the road.

Marinette watched as one of the teens pulled out a phone, pointing it straight at them, most likely filming. Her hand lifted to her head and a small smile pulled at her lips. Even this embarrassed he still affected her, making her smile at his sheer ridiculousness.

"I defeated my wicked father, saved my half-brother, and now I need a Princess to love and cherish, and lucky you, Ms. Marinette of the Dupain-Cheng, Dupain-Chengs, this Prince has chosen you." He dropped down into the limo and she had half a mind to dive in and make sure the conversation stopped there. But this was Adrien Agreste, and her heels were restricting the speed of her movement.

An attempt at stepping forward ended up with one heel in the rim of the skirt, her bag on the roof of the limousine and her face aiming for a nice greeting with the concrete pavement.

Closing her eyes and bracing for a total train wreck of an evening, she was pleasantly surprised when the unmistakable smell of a freshly showered Adrien without a hint of stinky feet, plus the completely recognisable feeling of his arms encompassing her, allowing her to relax her into his embrace.

Thank God for that!

"Awww, ladies and gentleman," oh, dear Lord; he was off again. She opened her eyes only to find people were now looking out of her apartment block windows, including Marjory, her nosey neighbour who may have given her the stink eye a couple of times after rather active nights when Adrien's stayed over. Now the woman was getting the full show. "The fair maiden has fallen for me, and now I shall take her away to my Kingdom, only to return in the new year. I bid you farewell."

Without a moment's hesitation and in a completely unpredictable way, Adrien swooped down and scooped Marinette into his arms, carrying her towards the limo.

"Wave to the crowds fair maiden, for when you return, you shall be a Queen."

The teens over the road started cackling and heckling the hell out of them, until Adrien turned to face them. The young girls screamed as the guys began to stand a little taller and puffing out their muscles. Marinette was quite sure that after this evening's encounter those teens were going to have to try harder to impress their girlfriends. Her embarrassment changed to amusement as Adrien placed her into the seat and ran to the other side. Oh, boy, she had definitely found one of a kind.

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